Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

an, 11. 
., 715. 
Stockton, Cal., 246, 289. 
Stockwell, Thos. B., 5, 67, 68, 69, 82, 814. 
Stoeckmann, Henrietta, 824. 
5t. Olaf College, 92. 
stone, A. I>., 818. 
Stone, George B., 830. 
Stone, 4. N., 70. 
stoner, Stanley, 716. 
tories told in kindergarten, 7, 822, 351. 
story, Win. E., 178, 224. 
Stott, W. T., 91. 
Stowell, T. B., 384, 386. 442. 
St. Paul, Minn., 14, 81, 193, 824. 383, 
st. Peter, Minn., 681. 
3t. Petersburg, Russia, 13, 16, 48. 
Straight University, 681. 
Strain vocal chords will bear, 9. 
Strassburg, Germany, 12, 89. 
straub, S. W., 508, 522. 
Streams that have fertilized the lower 
schools, 163. 
Strength of the teacher, 74. 
Stress laid on citizenship, 28. 
Strobel, Pellegrini, 90. 
Strong, M. Evelyn, 324. 
Strong, Frank, 69. 
strong, James W., 90. 
Strong, Mrs. N. M., 323. 
Stronge, S. E., 245. 
Strongoli, La Principessa, 13. 
tor self-government, 31. 
for life, 39, 46. 
of the educators in the West, 159. 
of art schools, 455. 
Striimpell, Dr. Ludw., 12. 
Stryker, M. W., 92. 
St. Stephen’s College, 92. 
Stuart, A. T., 246. 
Stubbs, Wm. C., 591. 
Student, The, 831. 
Student organizations, 94, 144. 
»f law, medicine, and theology, 87, 112. 
American, 142. 
must find truth and facts, 155. 
sent over to England, 172. 
women, in Scotland, 877. 
of elementary schools, 5-12. 
of secondary schools, 5-12. 
of vocal music, 9. 
technological, 9. 
somparative, 29. 
alassic and modern, 27. 
aniversity, 87. 
differentiation of, 109. 
in prescribed order, 193. 
that lie at the basis, 198. 
of universal encyclopedia, 109. 
incompatible, 121. 
Study of great masters, 455, 473. 
of modern languages, 121. 
a, that is bad, 156. 
*¢in absentia,” 160. 
»f the dative case, 176. 
of our language cannot be abridged, 197. 
of children’s theology, 713, 765. 
of movements and mental states, 715. 
Studying art, 472. 
stuttering, prevention of, 713, 739. 
Stuttgart, Germany, 12, 178, 179. 
3t. Viateur’s College, 680. 
3t. Xavier College, 681. 
subject of legislation, branding, 145. 
presented in preliminary programme, 6. 
that have no dogma, 155. 
‘aught in technological schools, 525. 
»f higher education assigned to second- 
ary schools, 196. 
of secondary education thrown into ele- 
mentary schools, 196. 
Jubsidy, liberal, by Congress, 55. 
Substantial progress a sign of the time, 
Substitute for supervision, 191. 
won by Jay Gould, 139. 
ten of the sixty-five were a, 191. 
Sudtorough, Grace B., 246. 
Sudlow, Miss P. W., 840. 
Suicide, national, 81. 
Sullivan, Miss, 244, 302. 
Sullivan, M., 68. 
Sully, James, 714, 730. 
Summey, Geo., 93. 
Sumner, W. G., 91. : 
Sunderland, Mrs. E. R., 713. 
Super, Chas. W., 92. 
appointment, 7. 
senure of office, 7, 67. 
nf schools, 47. 
must have been a teacher, 78. 
Superior, Wis., 825. 
of elementary schools, 7, 71. 
of secondary education, 6, 182. 
of physical training, 10. 
of schools, 29. 
of private schools, 177, 183. 
of parents, trustees, and the public, 
a questionable thing, 191. 
if had in England, 191, 
absolutely necessary, 191. 
made the schools efficient, 198. 
giving lessons, 72. 
who understands the want, 193. 
support of higher education, 167. 
Surgeon flourishing his knife, 74. 
survey of the field of learning, 27. 
Survival of the fittest, 46.

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