of the best, 46.
of the meanest, 46.
suspension Bridge, N. Y., 92.
Sutcliffe, Superintendent, 68, 88.
Sutherland, J. W., 842.
Sutto, Luigi, 590.
Sutton, W. J., 386.
Sutton, W. S., 67.
Swain, Geo. F., 525, 554.
Swan, Howard, 179.
Swan, Rob., 246.
Swarthmore College, 93, 617.
Swarthmore, Pa., 93, 617.
list of vice-presidents, 89, 590, 616.
‘raining of teachers, 16, 60.
public education in, 289.
nur friends from, 183.
physical education in, 16.
Latin and Greek in, 209.
Swedish gymnastics. school and military,
Swedish system, or sloyd, 589, 599, 604.
Sweetser, P. H., 813.
Sweevelt, C. van, 590.
Swet, Superintendent, 341.
Swift, 170.
Switzerland, 13, 90, 179. 246, 328. 525,
S. W. Presbyterian university, 93.
Sydney, New South Wales, 89, 244, 590.
Sykes, R., 245.
Symbolic stage of childhood, 28.
justifiable, 822.
in kindergarten, 7, 822, 855, 856.
Symbols fitted to child’s comprehension,
Symes, J. E., 90.
for the work, 39.
the utmost, 193,
Symptom, acute, of disease, 116.
Synthesis will give culture, 154.
Syracuse, N. Y., 67, 681.
Syracuse University, 681.
Froebel’s system of drawing, 7.
systems of manual training, 10.
barbaric, of reward and punishments,
generous, of public instruction, 37.
designed to suit us, 43.
of training teachers in Sweden, 62.
of public education in Sweden. 289.
Huropean, 109.
elective, 122.
Systematizing private and endowed schools,
*dncational, of the past, outgrown,
of musical notation, 508, 522.
Swedish or Russian, 589, 599. 604.
Tabor College, 91, 681.
Tabor, Ta., 91, 681.
lacitus, 172.
racoma, Va., 591,
[acoma, Wash., 325.
l'acubaya, Mexico, 90.
Tadashi, N., 68.
Fadd, J. L., 466, 591.
l'aine, in his ‘* Philosophy of Art,” 169.
Faint of politics, 186.
Talbert, M. J., 814.
lalbot, Henry, 455, 462, 466.
Talent dies with the discoverer, 183.
Callahassee, Fla., 69.
{amatsu, Aoki, 246.
Fampa, Fla., 323.
Caranaki, New Zealand, 244.
Carbell, Superintendent, 67, 70, 78, 82.
Carkio, Mo., 92.
Tasmania, 89.
"assis, Cecilia, 323.
artistic, 8.
wsthetic, 8.
of modern English novel, 175.
lax for public schools, 193.
[aylor, A. R., 886.
Caylor, C. E., 92.
Caylor, James M., 92.
Caylor, J. B., 180.
faylor, J. Orville, 826.
laylor, R. L., 180.
Taylor, Sarah McC., 3886.
caylor, Vincent A., 14,
sxaminations, 7.
rertificates, 7.
icenses, 7.
orobationary service, 7,
niversity participation, 7, 67.
10mination of, 7, 67.
\ppeintment of, 7.
special teachers, 7.
rofessional training, 7.
{ualifications of teachers of music, 9.
ulture of music teachers, 9.
heir functions, 9.
heir improvement, 29, 71.
jood, how procured, 60.
0 be university men, 61.
heir transfer, 80.
nethods of training, 383, 401.
f Greek, 140.
of secondary schools, 181.
smbedded in their own districts, 183.
secure princely teachers, 187.
neld accountable for results, 191.
get places haphazard, 192,
[eachers’ bureaus useful, 192.
leachers’ institutes, 419.
leacher’s Voice, The, 819.
leacher’s World, The, $21.
Teaching practice, value of. 8