Teaching practice,
critic of, 8.
length of course, 8.
Teaching history to children, 284.
instruction, 9.
schools, 100, 111, 156.
Technical difficulties in art instruction, 8.
lechnique of representation in drawing,
8, 455.
Cechnological schools,
theses on, 9.
studies, 9. }
their accomplishments, 525, 534.
Techuology, department congress. 27.
Tejima, S., 13.
Telegrams, 125.
Femmermann, M., 384.
[empe, Arizona, 385.
Temple, J. S., 843.
Lonttoncies, deteriorating, of public games,
of equality, 388.
subjective, 47.
internal, 47.
sf secondary education in France, 169.
to fake power away from the people,
Tennessee, 14, 70, 93, 179, 325, 386. 509,
591, 616, 681.
Tenney, Jonathan, 818.
Tennyson, 170.
a life-long reader of Greek, 128.
Tenure of office of superintendents. 7. 67.
Terhune, John, 246.
Term of office, 82.
Terre Haute, Ind., 69, 87, 386, 523, 526,
Territory, Northwest, 66.
Tests of a university, 98.
Tetlow, John, 180.
Texas, 14, 70, 93, 179, 246, 325. 386,
ased in Ontario, 41.
how prepared there, 41.
regulating their price, 42.
learned by heart, 155.
Thacher, T. A., 815.
Thayer, G. F., 813.
Theo-centric education, G80.
Theocritus imitated, 128.
Theological life of a child, 765.
in universities, 11.
of children, 11, 713, 765.
students of, 87.
training, 18.
solution, 150.
Theories and their exponents, 105.
Theory of the first principles, 700.
Thermes, A., 245.
I'heses of the programme, 6-12.
lefended publicly, 157.
che work of scholars, 175.
"hing, a most inspiring, 167.
Chiry, J. H., 244, 286.
“homas, Mrs. E. A., 509.
Thomas, Miss Marie, 323.
Chomas, M. Carey, 93.
Thomas, Wm. D., 681.
homas, Wm. L., 843.
rhompson, D'Arcy W.., 90.
[hompson, Hugh S., 14.
Chompson, J. A., 92.
[hompson, Marian, 324.
“hompson, Silv. P., 13.
[hompson, W. O., 92.
“homson, 170.
Thorden, Dr., 90.
Chornton, Wm. M., 93.
Thought and feeling. 507, 513.
houghts of all nations, 22.
“Three Rs, 45.
Yhroop, Frances, 324.
lhurber, C. H., 180.
“hurston, Brown, 818.
“hurston, Rob. H., 525, 534, 551, 565.
“hwing, Chas. F., 92.
Midioute, Pa., 591.
lierney, John J., 681.
[iffin, O., 92.
Pifft, Mrs. L. L., 246.
(illard, J., 245.
Tilsit, Germany, 245.
of youth, 26.
given to languages, 177, 196.
In university wasted, 137.
surrendered, 197.
given grudgingly, 197.
Tirsow, Alex., 90.
itchener, BE. B., 680, 705.
['itles, academic, 94.
Yobar, Carlos R., 89.
Tocqueville, De, 94.
Foensfeld, J., 11.
Tokyo, Japan, 13, 68, 90, 246, 455, 526, 590.
Toledo, 1a., 91.
Toledo, O., 325, 591, 681.
Toudern, Germany, 681.
analogous to Greek, 135.
our noble but difficult, 197.
Topeka, Kan., 69, 324.
Topic of representing language, 28.
Topics, specific, 72.
Tsrngren, Dr. Li. M., 4, 11, 16, 90, 616, 662.
Toronto, Ont., 11, 12, 40, 68, 89, 178, 244,
321, 323, 326, 383, 384, 410, 456, 508.
Torrey, H. A. P., 716.
Tortori-ken, Japan, 246.
Tottenham (London), England, 385.
I'ousey, Wm. G., 681.
l'owles, C. M., 681.
Fown, Amos, 67.
“own system of schools, 190.