Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

Amount and character of criticism to be 
secommended. (5) Value of practice work 
mn filling temporary vacancies caused by 
the absence of the regular teacher (called 
‘substituting ”). (6) Value of teaching 
practice within the normal school, the les- 
sons being given to classes composed of one’s 
fellow-classmates. (7) Shall the instruc- 
tors of branches be the critics in their own 
oranches ? (8) Shall the critic be always 
oresent? (9) How much practice shall be 
required each day, and how long continued ? 
10) How often should the classes taught 
be changed ? (11) What degree of perfec- 
tion in teaching shall be required in order 
to entitle the candidate to a diploma ? 
(12) Is the plan a good one to have a paid 
teacher in charge of each class in the school 
of practice, said teacher doing a portion of 
the work of teaching and, in addition, 
criticising the work of the pupil teachers ? 
(13) The value of sending pupils out into 
aeighboring schools to observe and occa- 
sionally take charge of classes, Discussion. 
General topic: Schools for the profes- 
sional training of teachers. 
Thesis : (1) The classification of the sev- 
eral grades of normal and training schools. 
(2) Professional schools for the training of 
teachers for the work of higher education 
in normal schools, colleges, and univer- 
sities. (3) For the training of teachers for 
secondary schools. (4) For the training of 
teachers for elementary schools. (5) Forthe 
training of teachers for kindergartens. (6) 
For the training of teachers for rural schools. 
7) The standards required in these differ- 
ant grades, (a) as to scholastic instruction, 
b) as to psychological and technical in- 
struction, (¢) as to practice teaching under 
criticism. Discussion. 
Thesis : Should the course of study in 
normal schools be wholly professional, or 
should it include work in the elementary 
and secondary branches, even where pro- 
ciency in these branches is required as a 
condition for admission; if so. to what 
extent? Discussion. 
Thesis : How does the typical normal 
school work differ in method from that of 
secondary or higher education ? Discus- 
General topic : What should be required 
of one upon whom is to be conferred the 
Joctor’s degree of pedagogy ? 
Thesis : (1) Should such requirements 
oe confined to scholastic instruction ? 
What should be required in the way of 
teaching ability, experience, and skill ? 
9) Should original investigation be re- 
quired in some branch of child study ? (3) 
Or in some phase of the history of educa- 
tion ? (4) Or in some branch of experi- 
mental psychology with a view to deter- 
mine questions in regard to the educational 
ralue of some branch or branches in the 
qrriculum of elementary or secondary 
ichools ? Discussion. 
Thesis : What value should be attached 
0 the formal study of children in the 
raining of teachers ? Discussion. 
General topic : Methods of teaching draw- 
Thesis: Whether the pupil shall first 
ake a course of drawing from the flat in 
wider to learn the technique of representa- 
ion ? Discussion. 
Thesis ; How early shall the pupil begin 
so use models ? Discussion. 
Thesis : Should the objects to be drawn 
.s models be artistically beautiful, or shall 
he pupil practice drawing real objects 
sithout reference to the aesthetic question ? 
General topic : All art study should aim 
rst to familiarize the pupil with the chief 
ypes of the great works of art with a view 
0 cultivating the artistic taste. 
Thesis : The pupil should study and 
nalyze a series of works from the great 
nasters, describing in language in the 
‘orm of essays the general theme and the 
nethods adopted of making the work of 
.rt tell its own story ; the technical diffi- 
ulties and successful devices of the artist 
n completing his work of art. Discussion. 
Thesis : The pupil should copy or make 
, drawing of the work of art which he has 
earned to analyze, and his exercise should 
ie criticised by fellow-pupils and teacher, 
naking clear the respects wherein he has 
‘ailed fo seize the motives of the artist, or 
o reproduce his (the artist’s) devices of 
.epresentation. Discussion. 
Thesis : Works of sculpture after being 
tudied analytically and reproduced in 
lrawings should be modeled in clay, and 
yorks of painting after such preliminaries 
hould be copied in painting bv the pupil. 
Thesis : Connected with the learning to 
nodel in clay, wax, or other material, the 
wapil should have a series of lessons on the 
imitations belonging to the arts of paint- 
ng and sculpture, and discuss what sub- 
ects can properly be treated in sculpture 
«nd what more properly belong to painting. 
Thesis : Should drawing commence from 
he beginning with light and shade, or 
hould it be outline drawing for the first 
rear or more ? Discussion. 
General topic: The course of study, or 
vhat the pupil should learn of vocal music 
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