Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

Equilibrium and motion, inertia, uniform motion; comprehension of mechanical work, 
measurement of mechanical work, pendulum, clocks, oppositions of motion. 
Propagation of water pressure, hydraulic press ; loss of weight in water, swimming, 
letermination of specific gravity, hydrostatic balance, aerometer. 
Air pumps, loss of weight in air; air balloons, bellows, suction and force pumps, 
Jderon’s German ball, fire-engine. 
The most important sonorous bodies, rapidity and strength of sound: reflection of 
sound, echo, reverberation, harmonies. 
Curved mirror, refraction of light ; optical lenses, dispersion of colors, spectrum. 
Lime burning, caustic lime ; carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, saltpetre, nitric acid ; 
acids, bases, salts (in the chemical sense), sulphurous acid, sulphuric acid, phosphoric 
acid, muriatic acid, fluoric acid ; etching of glass, ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen ; 
dry distillation, heavier and lighter carburetted hydrogen gas, fire damp, safety lamps, 
coal, illuminating gas, combustion, potash ; soda, lye. borax ; silicic acid, glass, 
metals, magnesium, aluminium, clay, porcelain. iron, lead, tin, zine, copper, mercury, 
and silver. allovs. 
The subjects of instruction of the first and second classes are reviewed and carried 
‘arther : 
Radiation of heat, sources of heat ; heating value of combustible materials. 
Laws of vaporization, humidity of the air; fog, clouds, rain, snow, hail, dew, hoar- 
‘rost ; elasticity of water-vapor, steam-engines. 
Magnetic effects of the galvanic current: telegraph, induction of electrical currents, 
Inclined planes, wedge, screw; free fall, projectile motion, central motion, centrifugal 
torce, water-wheels, grist-mills (water-mills and wind-mills). 
Vocal and auditory organs of man, hearing, 
Strength of light, illuminating value of illuminating materials ; the human eye, 
sight, spectacles, microscope, telescope, photography. 
Getting iron out of the ores, blast furnaces. 
Carbohydrates, spirituous fermentation ; spirits of wine, spirituous beverages, acid 
lermentation, acetic acid, vinegar making ; verdigris, detection of verdigris in foods ; 
putrefaction and decay ; carbonization of fats, glycerine, fatty acids, and other import- 
ant organic acids, stearine candles, soap, some resins, and ethereal oils. 
Tanning, coloring material, and some of the most important colored goods, dyeing, 
calico printing, bleaching, albumens, glues, foods, preservation and falsification of 
‘This curriculum embraces the age of ten to fourteen years.) 
Teachers trained at such schools would carry Froebel’s principles into a 
rue relation with living and being. They would, in true copartnership 
with the child, tell him what he is best fitted for, and thus bring the 
seacher into that paternal relationship to the pupil in which he would 
cradually become, and remain, an adviser for life, instead of the casual 
nstructor which our one-sided system forces him to be. 
And the child ? With no strength from within, no support from with- 
ut, no self-knowledge, no self-reliance, the child, unguided and unpro- 
ected, glides downward inch by inch, a victim of prejudice and error, on 
he slippery road of ¢¢ Criminal Idleness.”

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