Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

sach day in this school to observe the work of these expert teachers, taking notes of 
their work and preparing for a subsequent discussion of the same. In addition to this 
school of observation there should be a school of practice, in which the pupils of the 
normal school should be required to do actual teaching for a certain period each day. 
This school should also be in charge of skillful teachers familiar with the best methods 
of modern instruction. The work of the student-teachers should be under the constant 
supervision of regular teachers, who are to observe and direct their practice. In this 
way the student-teacher may learn to put .in practice the principles of the science of 
teaching learned in the normal school, and thus become master of both the science and 
che art of his profession. In most of the State normal schools it will be found more 
convenient to unite these two schools in one organization called the model school: in a 
arge city it is possible to have them separate, which, as is obvious, possesses some 
special advantages.

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