THE sessions of the Congress of Business Education were held in Hall 29, Art Palace,
July 26-27, 1893.
Opening address by 8S. 8. Packard, New York, on the “Evolution of the Business
* Practical Advantages of a Business College Training.” George Soulé, New Orleans.
“ Relation of Business College Instruction to Industrial. Commercial and Financial
Interests.” By A. D. Wilt, Dayton, Ohio.
“ Higher Aspects of Business Education.” By R. E. Gallagher, Hamilton, Ont.
¢ Stenography and Typewriting as Branches of Business Education.” By Isaac S.
Demert, Chicago.
“The World's Need of Business Women.” By Mrs. Sara A. Spencer, Washington,
D. C.
“Reciprocal Relations and Benefits of Business Colleges and other Departments of
Education.” By Ira Mayhew, Detroit.
Address by Dr. James MacAlister, President Drexel Institute, Philadelphia.
* Fxplanatory.—Requests were duly made for the papers pertaining to the meeting of the Congress of
Business Education, but nc reports uf the proceedings, nor any of the papers read at its sessions, were
delivered to the Secretary of the National Educational Association for publication, nor to Dr. William T.
farris, chairman of the committee in charge of the International Congress of Education,
About the 10th of Avril several of the papers read at the Congress of Business Education were sent
10 the editor in charge of publication of the proceedings, but too late for any portion of them to appear
in the order of the departments. Ttthen was only possible to print abstracts of some of the papers, the list
of which is given in the Secretary’s Report.