Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

represented in the Association, and the presiding officers of the several departments and 
a Board of Trustees to be constituted as hereinafter provided. Any friend of education 
may become a life-director by the donation of one hundred dollars to the Association at 
one time, either by himself or on his behalf; and any educational association may 
secure a perpetual directorship by a like donation of one hundred dollars, the director 
io be appointed annually or for life. Whenever a life-member desires to become a life- 
lirector, he shall be credited with the amount he has paid for his life-membership. 
Sec. 2. The President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustees, Directors, 
Zife-Directors, President of the Council, and presiding officers of their respective 
lepartments shall constitute the Board of Directors, and, as such, shall have power 
jo appoint such committees from their own number as they shall deem expedient, 
Sec. 3. The elective officers of the Association shail be chosen by ballot, unless 
otherwise ordered, on the second day of each annual session, a majority of the votes cast 
seing necessary for a choice. They shall continue in office until the close of the annual 
session subsequent to their election, and until their successors are chosen, except as 
aereinafter provided. 
Sec. 4. Bach department shall be administered by a President, Vice-President, 
Secretary, and such other officers as it shall deem necessary to conduct its affairs; but 
no person shall be elected to any office of any department, or of the Association. who is 
not, at the time of the election, a member of the Association. 
Sec. 5. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the 
Board of Directors, and shall perform the duties usually devolving upon a presiding 
fficer. In his absence, the first Vice-President in order who is present shall preside ; 
ind in the absence of all Vice-Presidents, a pro tempore chairman shall be appointed on 
romination, the Secretary putting the question. ] 
Sec. 6. The Secretary shall keep a full and accurate report of the proceedings of the 
general meetings of the Association and all meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall 
sonduct such correspondence as the Directors may assign, and shall have his records 
present at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors. The Secretary 
of each department shall, in addition to performing the duties usually pertaining to his 
office, keep a list of the members of his department. 
SEc. 7. The Treasurer shall receive and under the direction of the Board of Trustees 
101d in safe keeping all moneys paid to the Association ; shall expend the same only 
upon the order of said Board ; shall keep an exact account of his receipts and expendi- 
tures, with vouchers for the latter, which accounts, ending the first day of July each 
year, he shall render to the Board of Trustees, and, when approved by said Board, he 
shall report the same to the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall give such bond 
for the faithful discharge of his duties as may be required by the Board of Trustees ; 
and he shall continue in office until the first meeting of the Board of Directors held 
prior to the annual meeting of the Association next succeeding that for which he is 
Sec. 8. The Board of Directors shall have power to fill all vacancies in their own 
body ; shall have in charge the general interests of the Association, excepting those 
herein intrusted to the Board of Trustees; shall make all necessary arrangements for 
its meetings, and shall do all in its power to make it a useful and honorable institution. 
Jpon the written application of twenty members of the Association for permission to 
establish a new department, they may grant such permission. Such new department 
shall in all respects be entitled to the same rights and privileges as the others. The 
formation of such department shall in effect be a sufficient amendment to this Con- 
stitution for the insertion of its name in Article II., and the Secretary shall make the 
necessary alterations. 
SEC. 9. The Board of Trustees shall consist of four members, elected by the Board

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