Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

OFFICERS FOR 1893-94. 
ALBERT G. LANE................. 
_RWIN SHEPARD .........ccuvntnn 
J. M. GREENWOOD ...vvviececanes 
“hicago, Nlinois, ........coee-- 
Winona, Minnesota ........ 
Lansas City, Missouri... 
E. H. Cook, New York. M. C. FERNALD, Maine. 
W. H. Bartunoromew, Kentucky. E. E. WHITE, Ohio. 
L. E. WoLFE, Missouri. . J. W. DickiNsoN, Massachusetts. 
3. J. Ramsey. Louisiana. T. A. FurraLL, Arkansas. 
.~sssesssces sess 
PF. A. FITZPATRICK, Nebraska. 
C. P. RogERs, Iowa. 
N. C. SCHAEFFER. Pennsylvania. 
Board of Trustees. 
N. A. CALKINS, ......-. TRAGTINAR «ov eeeenene.. 124 East Eightieth Street, New York. 
ZALMON RICHARDS ..... YCTELATY voveeerenensss 1801 Corcoran Street, Washington, D.C. 
ZALMON RICHARDS ...... ... Nashington,D.C.....-- - --uesveve... Term expires July, 1896. 
B.C. HEWETT .evevnennan. oo... Normal, INnois...cec veveennieennsenns ‘ se “1895. 
N.A. CALKINS, eveenns.-. vee Jew YOrK City. veeeivnasesnoonnnnnnnns t ¢ 1894. 
H.S. TARBELL...c.euss. . rovidence, Rhode Island........ ..... _*“ # “1898. 
AG. LANE ...o00voeeeeneseeeecenesss hicago, TUINOIS..cvvevieareneenns.... Hx-officio. 
“The Board of Trustees shall be the executive financial officers of this Association as a body cor- 
porate.” —Art. IV., Secs. 9 and 10 of the Constitution. 
fixecutive Committee for 1893-4. 
Chicago, Illinois. ....coeveeennnees 
Winona, Minnesota ...ccoeveeen.. 
Zansas City, Missouri............ 
Tlushing, New York............. 
New York City vovviiriverecnaens 
AG. LANE ......c0nvunr ‘5 
[IRWIN SHEPARD ....vvovenrescnacsses 
J. M. GREENWOOD. ..cccourenceorsonns 
E.H. COOK ....... CC eseesenescus 
N. A. CALKINS... . 
First Vice-President. 
Chairman Board of Trustees. 
Board of Directors. 
Directors ex-officio. See Art. IV.. Sec. 2, of the Constitution. 
3arTHOLOMZW, W. H., Louisville, Kentucky. MILNE, J. N., Oneonta, New York. 
BEARDSHEAR, W. M., Ames, Iowa. RaMsEY, G. d., Clinton, Louisiana, 
BLow, SusAaN E., St. Louis, Missouri. RicHARDS, ZALMON, Washington, D. C. 
CALKINS, N. A., New York City, New York. RIcKOFF, REBECCA D., New York City. 
DICKINSON, J. W., Newtonville, Massachusetts. RoGcERs, C. P., Marshalltown, Towa. 
FErNALD, M. C., Orono, Maine. : SEARING, EDWARD, Mankato, Minnesota. 
FurraLL, T. A., Marianna, Arkansas. SCHAEFFER, N. C., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 
GLOVER, N. L., Akron, Ohio, SHEPARD, IrwiN, Winona, Minnesota. 
FREENWOOD, J. M., Kansas City, Missouri. TARBELL, H. 8., Providence, Rhode Island. 
Hewett, E. C., Normal, Illinois. "RANT, AMELIA E., Buffalo, New York. 
Kienig, D. L., Minneapolis, Minnesota. NHITE, E. E., Cincinnati, Ohio. 
LANE, A. G., Chicago, 1llinois. NOLFE, L. E., Jefferson City, Missouri. 
Low. SETH, New York City. 
Life Directors. 
BrowN, LeRoy D., Box 138, Santa Monica, Los 
Angeles Co., Cal. 
Deriggiars, Newton C., 906 E. Bluff St., Peoria, 
Day, L. W., 422 Superior St., Cleveland, O. 
FAIRCHILD, GEORGE T., State Agricultural College, 
Manhattan, Kan. 
(GREENWOOD, J. M., 1312 Oak St., Kansas City, Mo. 
30VE, AARON, 2045 Grant Ave., Denver, Col. 
Hunt. Mary H., 55 Central Ave., Hyde Park, Mass, 
JaLL, CALEB G., New Berlin, N. Y. 
fewer, A. V., Abilene, Kan. 
VM ARsnALL, T. MarcELLUS, Carlisle, Pa. 
>ARKER, CHas. IL, 9186 Exchange Ave., South 
Chicago, Ill. 
IKE, J., Jerseyville, Ill. 
UCKOFF, ANDREW J ., 444 Central Park West, N. Y. 
yTRATTON, C. C., Portland University, University 
Park, Ore. 
CAYLOR, A. R., 1127 Congress St., Emporia, Kan.

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