Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

Jommittee Conflagration of Chicago, 30. 
for the protection of the degree of Conflict . 
Ph. D., 160. between capital and labor, 81. 
of students, 144. irrepressible, 31. 
Committeeman subject to local pressure, Confucius 
80. and his educational ideas, 244, 308. 
Committee reports on organization, 714. and his pedagogic principles, 809. 
Common consciousness of unity, 85. Congratulations of a foreigner, 88. 
Commonplace in philosophy, 151. Jongress 
Lommon School, The, 841. of the United States, 55, 100. 
Common School Advocate, The, 828, 829, national, maintained, 184. 
833. Jonn, Thomas W., 180. 
Common School Assistant, The, 826. Connecticut, 68, 91, 179, 246, 323, 508, 590, 
Common School Journal, 812, 832. 680. 
Common school children, needs and neces- Conquest of forces, 81. 
sities of, 21. Conrad, Dr. Johann, 12. 
Common school education, 821. Conscious of needing help, 72. 
Common schools, 6. Consciousness, 
Common statute, 50. psychology founded on, 11. 
Communities, their demands in business the study of, 679. 
education, 10. onsecutiveness 
Comparative study, 29. of methods, 50. 
Compass, box the educational, 103. of teaching, 51. 
Compayré, G., 12, 16, 89, 41, 53, 118, _onsent of the American people, 78. 
178, 713. -onservatory 
Competition, of Music in Vienna, 509. 
keen, 63. of Music in Berlin, 508. 
angracious, 107. Jonsiderations formulated by holders of 
‘lomposers, the opposite view, 122. 
classical, 9. Constituents, the chief, 154. 
library of pieces, 9. Jonstitution 
Jompromise possible, 196. of mind, 18. 
Compton, Elias, 681. federal, 49. 
Compton, H. W,, 591. adopted, 714. 
compulsory Jonstitutionally bad spellers, 713, 762. 
physical education, 11. Jonstruction of a programme, 76. 
instruction, 55. Jonte, J. Le, 90. 
attendance, 81, best law in Mass., 81. Jontention, honorable, 52. 
features of the law, 189. Jontinent, Anglo-Saxons in this, 40. 
Comte, Auguste, 49. ‘ontinental Europe, 50. 
Concentration of universities, 95. omtinuity, 
Concept importance of, 127. 
of liberal education, 151. of development, 170, 
basal, of psychology, 693. ‘ontradistinction of mind from biological 
Jonception phenomenon, 29. 
in rational psychology, 11. ‘ontrol 
of right, 48. of societies, 144. 
Greek and Roman, of the state, 161. from lowest to highest grade in educa- 
erroneous, 165. tion, 181. 
Concord, Mass., 98. governmental, 186. 
Condillac in his ¢‘ Langue de Calculs,” 169.  Jonvent education, 879. 
Condit, Miss Anna, 56. Convention, the French, of 1793, 186. 
Condition, Jonventional 
present, of schools in Uruguay, 58. and symbolic studies, 7. 
of American universities, 96. methods, 28. 
characteristic, of childhood, 7, 322. Jonventionalities of life, 321. 
mental and physical, 822. Conventions of the N. E. A., 81. 
Jonditions Convictions, intellectual, 163. 
of degree Ph. D., 88, 156. Cook, C. C., 715. 
special, 244, 301. Cook County, I11., 67. 
Condon, Catherine M., 823. Cook County Normal School, 323, 383, 408. 
Cone, O., 92. Cook, E., 509. 
Jonfidence cook, KE. H., 5. 
shown by the public, 89. Jook, Fayette L., 386. ' 
in giving lessons, 72. Jook, John W., 383. 885. 836.

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