Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

J and 
te of 
Dowling, M. P., 94. 
Dozier, Cynthia P., 324. 
Drain, Or., 386. 
Drake, O. H., 179. 
Drake University, 680. 
Oramatic element of kindergarten songs. 
321, 331. 
Draper, A. S., 67. 
as a study, 6, 455. 
reehand, 7, 456. 
methods of, 8, 455. - 
trom the flat, 8, 455, 456. 
from models, 8, 456. 
light and shade, 8. 
sechnique of, 8. 
of art works, 8, 455. 
sultivating taste, 8. 
real objects as models, 8. 
architectural, 9, 27. 
mechanical, 9, 27. 
with what should it begin, 455, 491. 
its sesthetic aim, 455. 
self-correcting system of, 456. 
essential in course of study, 243, 251. 
Drawings, elegant, 73. 
Dreaming and poetic invention, 714. 730. 
Dreher, J. D., 93. 
Dresden, Germany, 12, 68, 245, 616. 
Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, 456, 495, 
589, 805. 
Droceco, F., 179. : 
Drumeondra, Ireland, 385. 
Dublin, Ireland, 18, 68, 90, 245, 385. 
Jubuque, Ia., 246. 
Jue West, S. C., 93. 
Jugard, Mlle. M., 53, 177, 178, 211. 
Duisburg, Germany, 245. 
Duluth, Minn., 824, 507, 512. 
Duncan, George M., 680. 
Dundee, Scotland, 90, 179, 526. 
Dunkirk, N. Y., 325. 
Dunlap, Mrs. C., 825. 
Dunlap, Nellie, 323. 
Dunlop, Douglas, 245. 
Dunn, Robinson P., 814. 
Dunnell, Mark H., 817. 
Dunning, Mrs. F. B., 325. 
Junton, Larkin, 386. 
Dunton, L. M., 93. 
Duomo of Florence, 23. 
Jupee, Charles A., 835. 
Durability of our public schools, 167. 
Jurango, Colo., 246, 323. 
Jurham, N. C., 92. 
Durkee, Frank W., 617. 
Ditsseldorf, Germany, 68, 178, 179. 
analogous to physicians’, 72. 
of citizenship, 243, 244, 273, 278. 
»f men in society, 106. 
and rights, social, 192. 
of a chairman, 182. 
Dutton, S. T., 69, 
Dwelshauvers-Dery, M. V., 89, 
Dwight, Francis, 827. 
Dwight, President Timothy, 88, 91, 160. 
Dyer, Henry, 526. 
* Dying Swan, The,” by Tennyson, 173. 
Dysinger, Holmes, 91. 
Tastburn, Geo., 180. 
Tast Dereham, England, 245. 
Yastern Ohio Teacher, 829. 
dasthampton, 180. 
Bast Lake, Ala., 90. 
Bastman, Julia A., 180. 
Kaston, Pa., 716." 
faston, W., 69. 
fast Saginaw, Mich., 324. 
gast St. Louis, I1l., 69. 
Raton, Edw. D., 93. 
Jaton, Jas. F., 93. 
LTR John, 4, 5, 40, 243, 244, 247, 
Tbel, Laura, 324. 
Teclesiasticism, defects charged to, 152. 
fecleston, Sallie C., 323. 
Yeho Nouvelle, 850, 
Ickels, EB. M. D., 385. 
Teole Maternelle et Enfantine, 848. 
jcole normale in Paris, 54. 
Jconomic questions, 166. 
Jconomical life, 45. 
Teonomy and waste, mental, 713, 725. 
Teuador, 12, 89, 244. 
Tddy, H. T., 87, 118, 525, 550, 583. 
ddgar, Miss Lilian, 89. 
idgerly, J. G., 69. 
“dinboro, Pa., 386. 
idinburgh reviewers, 170. 
Sdinburgh, Scotland, 68, 90, 179, 245, 385. 
idon, Georges, 178. 
industrial, 10. 
self-activity in, 11. 
:ational psychology in, 11. 
somplete and generous, 21. 
zlassical, 22. 
tor white and black, 85. 
ydvancement made in, 35. 
studied historically, 35. 
psychologically, 85. 
axperimentally, 35. 
legal, 48. 
juridical, 50. 
moral, of Confucius, 310. 
intellectual, of Confucius, 311. 
physical, of Confucius, 311. 
of girls, 812. 
eal nature of, 369. 
medical, 117. 
supervised, 185. 
without supervision, 185. 
n its own locality, 190. 
sheo-centrie, 680. 
self-activity in, 680, 703. 
lominant seventh in, 713, 720.

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