Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

Exhibit, educational, 16. 
Exhibition of religious life, 20. 
of instruction, 51. 
of our occupation, 198. 
Exner, Sigm., 89. : 
fixpansion of our leading institutions, 104. 
Expense, incredible, 184, 
in teaching, 8. > 
«an providing out-door facilities for exer- 
cise, 11. 
with incompetent teachers, 81. 
personal, 126. 
In providing parks and gardens, 615, 641, 
fxperimental psychology, 
investigation in, 8, 383. 
in education, 11, 444, 
Expert in technical business, 115. 
xponents of theories, 105. 
Hixposition, our beautiful, 39. 
ixpression - 
in singing, 9. 
musical, 9. 
artistic, 162. ; 
of fullest faith, 167. 
of thought, subtle and precise, 197. 
fixtempore translation, 174. 
of observation work, 7. 
of religion in school, 296. 
of symbolism, justifiable, 322, 855. 356. 
Hxternal vesture, 163. 
Eye and ear-mindedness, 715. 
Eves, strain of. 7. 
Jayette, Mo., 92. 
Fayetteville, Ark., 526. i 
Fayetteville, N. C., 386. 
feasibility of a musical library, 507, 518. 
feature, the distinguishing, 118. 
features of the system in Ontario, 42, 43, 
federal Constitution of the U. S., 49. 
federation of the United States of Europe. 
right, must be aroused, 321. 
of teachers of science, 156. 
Feelings, deep-seated, 65. 
Fees a temptation to admit incompetence, 
tell, Thos., 91. Co 
Felmeri, Lajos, 90. 
fennessy, D., 91. 
Tenollosa, E. F., 472. 
Ternald, M. C., 526. 
fernandez, Viet. R. Ventura y, 12. 
ferry, Jules, 415. 
fett, W. A., 245. 
fetter, Geo. W., 886. 
fetterolt, A. H., 591. 
ficklen, John R., 91. 
Meld, L. M., 245, 
fielding, 170. 
figueira, José H., 68. 
financial interests of business schools, 10. 
findlay College, 92. 
findlay, O., 92. 
finishing school, 177. 
finkler, Dr. Dittmar, 4, 12. 
finland, Russia, 12, 178, 526. 
finley, J. H., 91. 
First principle in eleventh book of Aris- 
totle, 679, 700. 
First two years of childhood, 715, 778. 
Fisher, A. B., 245. 
Fisher, D. W., 88, 91, 160. 
fisher, Edw., 509. 
fisher, Laura, 324. 
fisk, Amy B., 825. 
fisk, Franklin W., 91. 
Tisk University, 93. 
Tiske, David, 87, 108. 
Tiske, L. R., 92. 
fiteh, J. G., 13. | 
fitch, State Superintendent, 67, 78. 
fitchburg, Mass., 69. 
Tite, Stanislaus, 715. 
Hitness, professional, 80. 
Fitting schools 
for industrial pursuits, 10. 
private, 185. 
their main object, 194. 
Fitz, G. W., 10, 615. 
Fitzhugh, James S., 325. 
Pitzpatrick, N. A., 67, 69, 71. 
fixing ideas, 73. 
flack, A. H., 180. : 
{lage, Rufus C., 93. 
flamand, Ch., 245. 
flat, drawing from the, 455, 456. 
Facility in the use of English, 127. 
factor, greatest, in New Education, 22. 
Faculties - 
of the mind, 18. 
of the universities, 109. 
in France, 169. 
Fads and fopperies exorcised, 129. 
Fair, educational exhibits at the, 24. 
Jair, Katharine G., 825. 
Fairbairn, R. B., 92. 
Fairbury, Neb., 246. 
Faith, fullest, 167. 
fallows, Rt. Rev. Samuel, 4, 20. 
fall River, Mass., 177, 190. 
Familiarize pupils with types of art, 487. 
Family nurture, 28. 
farley, John M., 92. . 
Jarm, W. Va., 527. 
Farmer, what he needs, 18. 
Farr, Geo. Henry, 89, 
Farrand, S. A., 180. 
Fascination, free from, 162. 
Fatigati, Alf. Serrano, 616. 
Fatigue, muscular and nervous, 11. 
Faunthorpe, J. P., 385. 
Faust, an occasional look at, 175 
Fay, L. E., 457. 
Favette, Ia., 509.

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