Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa., 591.
in France, 177.
in England, 178.
and boys in manual training, 10.
3ladstone’s warning, 163.
5lamor of martial glory, 162.
Glasgow, Scotland, 245, 885, 526. 590.
Glass, E. C., 70.
Glass, R. C., 681.
Glazier, Richard, 456.
Gleason, Mrs. Rose, 507, 513.
Gleeson, KE. J., 681.
Globe, our, its atmosphere, 46.
Jlover, N. L., 507, 512, 514, 519, 522.
Jobin, M., 385.
hanks to, 34.
che Creator, 36.
nis blessing, 37.
faith in, 99.
Jodart, A., 178.
Sodding, A. W., 814.
Godfrey, I11., 179.
Goethe and Schiller permeated with Greek,
Goetz, Ferd., 616.
Goetze, Woldemar, 590.
Solden circle of education, 20.
Goldsmith, Mrs. A. O., 325.
Gondolfo, E., 90.
Sonpilliere, Haton de la, 526.
Joode, G. Brown, 13.
Joodell, H. H., 527.
Goodenough, W. S., 455, 504, 591.
Goodison, John, 832.
Goodman, Jennie, 324.
Gordon, I., 245.
Gordy, J. P., 829.
Gorham, Me., 386.
Gorlitz, Germany, 178.
Goshorn, A. T., 457.
Gothenburg, Sweden, 90, 590.
Gottingen, Germany, 178.
Goucher, John F., 91.
Gould, R. E., 246.
Gove, Aaron, 830, 843.
of, for, and by the people, 31.
make it our servant, 189.
shall it undertake all education ? 192.
Gow, Alex. M., 830.
Gower, 174.
Gradation of normal and training-schools,
383, 410.
Graded courses in business schools, 10.
Graded system of schools, 191.
of primary schools, 10.
of grammar schools, 10.
in all, instruction same for boys and
girls, 590, 606.
Grading and classification, 83.
Graduate might not become un-American,
Grady, Richard, 591.
Graham, James D., 68.
Sraham, Mary, 716.
Graham, Mary O., 384.
rhetoric and logie, 152.
and lexicon, demand a laboratory, 197.
Grammar schools, 60.
industrial training in, 10.
Granada, Spain, 90.
Srandeau, Prof., 307.
Grand Rapids, Mich., 324, 383, 422.
Grant, Rev. A., 13.
Srant, G. M., 12.
Grant, Mr., 589.
Granville, O., 92.
Graves, John J., 245.
Graves, S., 179.
Fraz, Austria, 68, 323, 384,
reat Britain,
\ist of vice-presidents, 13, 68, 89, 179,
244, 328, 885, 456, 508, 526. 590. 616,
680, 715.
Jreat masters analyzed, 455, 473.
Jreatest good to the State, 81.
as a study, 6, 54, 126, 127, 128.
gymnastics, 11.
its educational value, 27, 125.
10onor of being a, 38.
‘or degree of B.A., 88, 118, 125.
ndispensable, 124.
architecture, 123.
yriginals for purity and taste, 123.
bhilosophy, 119.
sssential feature of culture, 126.
wd Roman world, 127.
v luxury, 128.
ts ineffaceable stamp, 128.
nethods and principles, 128.
postulate, 129.
reading it at sight, 130.
is a sieve, 13D.
best presentation of arguments, 135.
spirit, 153.
antiquity, 153.
sreek-letter fraternities, 145.
¥reek question will never be solved, 137.
ireeley, Colo., 385.
sreely, Gen. A. W., 6.
+reen, James M., 386.
Jreen, N., 93.
Freen Bay, Wis., 93.
Jreencastle, Ind., 91, 715.
jreene, Charles H., 507, 512, 513.
Jreene, C. M., 841.
Sreene, J. M., 384, 433.
Jreene, J. P., 92.
Jreene, Samuel S., 814.
Jreensboro, Ala., 90,
Freensboro, N. C., 325.
ireenville, S. C., 681.
¥reenwood, Superintendent J. M., 5, 67.
Yreeting, informal, to Miss Susan E. Blow,