Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

flarper, Mrs. M. A., 615. oe 
Harper, W. R., 88, 91, 160. 
Harris, E. D.; 835. 
Harris, Dr. W. T., 4, 5, 25, 26, 37, 41, 65, 
83, 87, 106, 168, 176, 181, 192, 207, 
249, 251, 508. 522. 525, 526, 679. 680. 
Harrisburg, Pa., 69. 
Harrison, Caskie, 180. 
Harrison, Miss Hl., 322, 
Harrison, H. KH. B., 245. 
Harrison, J. A., 93. 
Tarrison, T. P., 57. 
Iarrogate, England, 245. 
Tarrow, England, 179. 
Tarrow School, 179. 
Tart, Alexis C., 180. 
dart, Blanche, 325. 
Hart, Caroline C., 825. 
Hart, J. M., 129. 
tlartford, Conn., 69, 179, 323, 713, 720. 
Hartmann, Miss Angelika, 822, 323. 
Hartwell, Edw. M., 5, 10, 615, 618, 714, 
Hartwig, Th., 178. 
Harvard University, 10, 91, 96, 99, 112, 
122, 125, 185, 199, 615, 681. 
Harvey, George, 456. 
Harvey, Li. D., 386. 
Harvey, R., 245. 
Harvey, Mrs. T. W., 324. 
Haskell, Miss H. N., 179. 
daslam, J. B., 245. 
Hasting, College of Law, 52. 
Hatchet, The, 844. 
Javana, Cuba, 89, 178. 
Taven, Carolyn T., 325. 
Javen, E. O., 832. : 
Javerford College, 93, 617. - 
daverford, Pa., 93. v 
Javre, France, 53, 244, 287, 314. 
dawaii, 246. 
Jawley, Mary W., 825. : 
dawthorne, 170, 
Jawthorne, Benjamin J., 681. 
daydn, 9. 
dayes College, Me., 680. 
Jdayes, Benjamin F., 679, 680, 681, 686. 
dayford, E. L., 616. 
dayter, BE. R., 245. 
dazzard, Mary M., 324. 
culture of, 20. 
qualities of, 43. 
Jector, Thomas, 245. 
Jeerwagen, Mrs. L., 509. 
Heerwart, Miss E., 323. 
Heidelberg, Germany, 179. 
Heidelberg University, Germany, 92, 157. 
eine, 175. 
deld, B., 93. 
dele-Shaw, H. S., 526. 
in Americanism, 125. 
is their credo, 138. 
Helmesberger, Jos., 508. 
Telsingfors, Finland, 12, 178, 526. 
emenway, Mrs. M., 14. 
enderson, George W., 681, 
ienderson, Thomas J., 842. 
‘endrix College, 90. 
‘enkle, W. D., 828. - 
‘enriques, Mrs. L. M., 509. 
enrotin, Mrs. Chas. 4, 22, 525, 551. 
eresy, every sort of, 166. 
ermann, J., 616. 
Termite, M., 89. - | 
‘errera, Felix Martin y, 12. . 
Jerrmann, G., 89. Co 
-ertel, Franz, 323. : 
ervey, Alph. B., 92, 713, 737, 739. 
[esperian College, 90. 
lewett, KE. C.; 836. - 
lewit, Aug. F., 700. 
[eyse, 68. 
[ibben, J. G., 681. - Co 
licks, G. W., 243, 246, 272. 
Ticks, Mary Dana, 456, 487, 504, 505, 591. 
liffing’s educational works, 63, 
ligh Harrogate, England, 245. ~~ 
Jigher academic degrees of pedagogy, 440. 
ligher Education, 6. Co J 
subjects of preliminary programme, 6. 
the question.of; 27. . 
lepartment congress of, 87, 94. 
work different from normal school, 384. 
430. ng 
given to certain elect men; 165. 
what it is trying te do, 166. - 
violently disrupted, 197. 
ligher institutions of learning, 18. 
supervision of, 6.  - 
manual training in, 10. 
nechanie art high-schools, 10. 
one for girls in Sweden, 61. - 
‘or girls in England, 178, 225. 
can they prepare for universities ? 155. 
Tightstown, N. J., 180. 
1ill, David J., 716. 
Iill, H. A., 526, 
1ill, Judson S., 386. 
'1ill, Junius W., 509. 
lillman, Walter, 92. 
Jillsdale College, 92. 
Tillsdale, Mich., 92. 
Jillside, Wis., 325. 
dine, C. D., 69. 
Tine, M. C., 179, 
Jinewah, Arnold H.; 322. . 
Hinsdale, Dr. B. A., 4, 67, 243, 260. 
Hints dropped concerning. college and ° 
university work, 165. 
Hippauf, Dr.; 68. ~~. - = “ut 
diram College, 92. : ? 
Hiram, O., 92, 716. EE 5 
His, W., 89. Co 
distorical , 
institutions, 88. 
Jevelopment of normal schools, 883, 415.

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