Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

«Hymne in Honour of Love and Beauty,” 
by Spenser, 173. 
{Iymns, religious, 9. 
Hynes, J. J., 245. 
Hyslop, J. H., 681. 
Idaho, G9. 
view of normal schools, 384, 422, 451. 
‘rom the, to the practical, 427. 
study, 150. 
scheme, 154. 
Graeco-Roman, 163. 
present, in educaiional publications, 11, 
in journalism, 810. 
[dleness, prevention of criminal, 372. 
[gnatius, Chas. Emile, 12. 
a menace, 81. 
lamentable, 126. 
Alinois, 13, 82, 69, 88, 91, 179, 246, 323, 
385, 509, 591, 616, 680, 715. 
Mlinois College, 715. 
Hlinois Common School Advocate, The, 
1linois Normal Department, the, 836. 
[llinois School Journal, The, 837, 838. 
Illinors Schoolmaster, 836. 
[llinois State Normal University, 384. 
llinois Teacher, The, 834, 836, 837. 
[literate man. 56. 
[lamination needed, 28. 
‘llustrations of every occupation, 24. 
““ Imaginary Conversations,” by Walter 
Savage Landor, 173. 
{imagination of children, 11, 713. 
imelmann, Dr., 87, 88, 118, 137. 
Imparting knowledge, 44. 
[mperialism surrounded by martial glory, 
Impertinence to supervise my private 
school, 192. 
[mportance of @sthetics, 455, 462. 
cmportunities of degree seekers, 160. 
signs of, 6, 142. 
in the teaching of geography, 6. 
of teachers, 29. 
Imre, Prof., 13. 
[nability of private schools, 186. 
[nch, J. R., 12. 
ncident in history of higher education, 
Incompatible mass of studies, 121. 
Incompetence, ignorant, 18. 
[nconvenience caused by multiplication of 
degrees, 123. 
[ndia, 68. 
education of women in, 890. 
(ndian Territory, 324. 
[ndiana, 13, 82, 69, 91, 246, 324, 385, 526, 
616. 680. 715. 
'ndiana School Journal, 830. 
ndiana University, 616, 715. 
‘ndianapolis, Ind., 69, 79, 179, 243, 257, 
324, 456. 
ndictment of human nature, 139. 
[Indifference cause of difficulties, 190. 
teacher’s help, 72. 
instruction, 191. 
ndividualism, intelligent, 184. 
adividuality, complete, 28. 
interests of business schools, 10. 
needs of localities, 6, 243, 266. 
products, 10. 
instruction, 28. 
‘ife, 45. 
and manual instruction, 589. 
pursuits, specialization for, 589, 597. 
ndustrial Art School, Philadelphia, Pa., 
ndustrial instruction, 
theses on, 10. 
department congress of, 589. 
and matwual training, 590, 606. 
preparation for, 29. 
of the world make demands, 589, 594. 
nevitable result, 124. 
.nfants’ vocabularies, 713, 737. 
andue, 74. 
of the city upon Columbia College, 147. 
>f French writers in England, 170. 
nighty, exerted, 184. 
rostile, 190. 
reflex, 192. 
of the people of the community, 192. 
man exerts, 198. : 
‘ngatestone, England, 245. 
‘ngraham, Dr. Lena V., 10. 
‘ngraham, Prof., 45. 
[njurious training, 131. 
to vocal organs, 9. 
to public institutions, 37. 
serious, 124. 
done to Greek, 125. 
[nnocent III., 118, 
under control of, 41. 
popular with teachers, 191. 
not technically called so, 191. 
[nstinet of art, 466. 
nstitute of Gymnastics in Stockholm, 
615, 662. 
[nstitute of Technology, Boston, 91, 99, 
589, 5286, 569. 
a peculiar, 61. 
‘sui generis,” 112. 
‘nstitutions of higher learning have pre- 
ceded, 165. 
Instruct is to construct, 55. 
nstruction in vocal music, 8.

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