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hen a two-
imal solu-
amera pa-
thus they
| 3D struc-
of the pro-
ornal cam-
"he results
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eras to as-
all. Never-
tion of lens
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. À solu-
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es between
d. Six non
ion as well
ne camera
h more ro-
circle with
quely from
images for
ce is, if the
] up to the
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This is cor-
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ENE). The
to the right
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retation, a
Figure 8: Results for a typical stereo image: a) result of the 2D object recognition for the left image; b) 2D
object recognition for the right image; c) result of the 3D reconstruction process projected onto the right
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996