Full text: Clarissimi|| Viri D. Andreae Al-||ciati Emblematum libellus, uigilanter re-||cognitus, & ia[m] recèns per Wolphgan-||gum Hungerum Bauarum, rhyth-||mis Germanicis uersus

De Morte C' Amore. LXv, 
Errabat fodo Mors iuncta Cupidine,feam 
Mors pharetras paruus tela gerebat Amor. 
Diuertére fimal,fimaluta er uoce abarunt, 
Ceais Amor, Mors boc tempore cea fuit. 
Alter enim alterius male prouida fpidla fumpfit, 
Mors auratayfenet o[fea tela paer, : 
Debuit inde fenex qui nunc Acberonticus effe, 
Eat amat cz aipiti florea ferta parat. 
ft ego mutato quia amor me peradit araz, 
Defido,iuijdunt ez mibi fata manum. 
Pare puer, Mors figna tenens uictrida pare, 
Fac ego antem, [ubeat fc Acheronta fenex,

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