Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Elementary Schools. 
3. The Elementary Schools of the German Empire. 
Number of 
Outlay on the 
Public Elem. 
Priv. Schools 
with the 
aims of Elem. 
Number of 
| Fully occupied | Pupils of 
3 3 . Teacher _ the Public 
Qo 5 Elem. 
i QO i Wo- | 
12] Men | men | Schools 
lal . 
| 2 2d 
4 2; 
3 Ea 
ol tam 
A 5, 
3 wn 
3 2 
Q £ 
op it 
Prussia ........ % 756) 76 342 13 866! 5670 870 
Bavaria . ....... 7280 12184 2715 873399 
Saxony ........l 2273 10003, 401] 685771 
Wiirttemberg . . . . .| 2353 1615 494) 295325 
Baden ......... 1677] 36311 418 273149 
Hesse . ........i 084 2525 222| 165707 
saxe-Weimar ..... 629) 979 15 59528 
Mecklenburg-Strelitz!) 233| 348 34 16057 
Oldenburg ...... 614 1101 120] 56721 
Brunswick ...... 153 1142 1510 38130 
Saxe-Meiningen . . . 318) 656 Bl} 4011! 
Saxe-Altenburg . . | 197 495 230 34448] 
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha .| 244] 625 79 39422 
Anhalt. ........ 814 154 52684 
schwarzb.-Sondershaus. 94 211 13918 
Schwarzb.-Rudolstadt 138 263 16 222 
Waldeck ....... 124] 166 10 294 
Reu, Elder Line . | 60, 162 13206! 
ReuB, Younger Line .' 17 317 21 702 
Schaumburg-Lippe . . 44 72 7648 
Lppe . ........| 128 261 23895 
Libeck ........ 53 187 11897 
Bremen . .......| 57 498 27830 i 30 
Hamburg . ......| 182 1653 950 98610 80 | 13 207 
ElsaB-Lothringen . . . 2509 2895 2329 226109 77! 3395 
German Empire . . . || 58 164 122 145 | 22 330] 8 820 81211412 886 | 120 357/614 139799 
25 | 1986 
581 4775 
3 42 
51 775 
13 465 
2 25 
6! 9215 
1) For Mecklenbure-Schwerin no information ic available 
4. Intermediate Elementary Schools. 
The term Intermediate Schools (Mittelschulen) indicates, in 
Prussia and a few other North German States, a kind of school the 
aims of which reach beyond those of the Elementary school, thus 
dccupying an intermediate position between the latter and the Sec- 
ondary schools (Realschule, Gymnasium). In the Kingdom of 
Saxony there are similar establishments under the name of Inter- 
mediate. or also Higher Elementary Schools. Hambure has a

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