Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Mining Academies. 
veology, paleontology, science of mining, knowledge of salt-mining, 
practical metallurgy, assaying of metals, iron-mining, assaying of 
iron, the laying out of iron-works, gas analvsis, electro-technology, 
mining law, civil law. 
The first director of the Geological State Institution is at the 
same time director of the Mining Academy. He is seconded by 
another, a scientific, director. The teaching staff consists of 10 salaried 
professors, 5 commissioned officials of the Geological Insitution (in- 
cluding the second director), 9 extraordinary professors and privat- 
docents (Summer 1903). 
Number of Students in the Years 
.891/2 139, of whom 70 Prussian Mining Candidates®), 12 
1892/3 133, ,, 
1893/4 143, ,, 
1894/5 169, ,, 27 
1895/6 177, ,, 13 
1896/7 180, ,, 32 
1897/8 183, ,, , °5 
1898/9 234, ,, , ‘10 
1899/00 246, ,, , 97 
1900/1 293, ,, , 9 
1901/2 342. .. “ 106 
Receipts and Expenditure, according to the Financial 
Year 1903. 
For the Royal Geological State Institution and the Mining 
Receipts . . « « « «eo. + + +. o - . . . 135800 M. 
Of which 24 800 M. as fees for lecture and practical work, and 
20 000 M. for analytic experiments. 
Expenditure . . . . . . . . 
Of which for: 
Salaries . . . 
Allowance for House-rent 
Teachers’ share in Fees 
Acsistants. Institutes, etc. 
769 310 M. 
*) Mining Candidates (,,Bergbaubeflissene®) are those that intend to enter the 
sovernment service.

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