Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

High Schools for Special Subjects 
Daily pay, Expenses for Travelling and 
Removal . . . | . 
Grants to Students . . . . . 
Upkeep of Collections, etc.. . . . . 
Upkeep of official Buildings . , . 
Geological Maps, Treatises, etc. . . . 
Building Alterations and Acquirement 
of Ground Property . . . . 
138000 M. 
1600 |, 
13330 , 
14000 |, 
118 000 .. 
2. The Royal Mining Academy in Clausthal (Prussia). As 
early as the 16th century, the Lyceum in Clausthal, in accordance 
with the needs of the extensive mining industry in the Harz, was 
provided with suitable technical instruction for miners and founders, 
and in 1775 branched off as a separate course. In the year 1811, 
a Mining school was established, the uper division of which received 
in 1864. the name of Mining Academy. After the union of the king- 
dom of Hanover with Prussia, the Mining Academy in Clausthal was 
organised on the principles of that in Berlin. 
Number of Teachers: 8 salaried professors, 5 teachers in the 
sollateral division, 6 assistants. 
Number of Students: 
1893/4 . . . 148, of whom 35 foreigners 
1902/3 . . . 232, , »y 32 
Private Receipts of the Institution: 
1903/4 from lecture fees . . . 25550 M. 
from other sources . . 43280 , 
Total . . 68830 M. 
Ordinary Expenditure 1903/4: 128 340 M. 
Extraordinary Expenditure: 1901/2—1903/4 (new buildings) 555000 M, 
3. The Royal Mining Academy in Freiberg (Saxony), founded 
1766, attained in the 18th century, especially through the geologist 
A, G. Werner, to great importance. The institution is attended both 
by candidates for the higher governmental mining posts in Saxony, 
and by those who desire to by employed in private undertakings, as 
managers or as mining or foundry engineers. For admission as stu- 
dent the leaving-certificate of a school with nine classes is required. 
The subjects of instruction are substantiallv the same as those in the 
Prussian Mining Academies.

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