Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

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High Schools for Special Subjects. 
The curriculum’ of the Forestry Academy embraces the following 
subjects: anorganic and organic chemistry, knowledge of soils, miner- 
alogy and geology, meteorology and climatology, botany, zoology, 
piscatology, law, geodesy, arboriculture, forest preservation, utilisation 
of forest products, forest management, forestry profit and loss, history 
of forestry, forest administration and statistics, State management of 
forests, forest-road construction, art of hunting. 
The teaching staff of Eberswalde consists of 13 professors and 
} forestry ,assessors®“ as assistants. 
The number of students in the summer of 1903 amounted to 62, 
including 31 foreigners (26 Russians). 
The private receipts of the institution, according to the estimates, 
amount to 12300 M.,, the expenditure to 125470 M., the State ~allow- 
ance, therefore, to 113170 M. With the Academy is connected a 
“hief station for forestry experiments. 
2. The Royal Forestry Academy in Minden (Prussia) was 
>pened in 1868. Organisation and curriculum are the same as in the 
Academy at Eberswalde. The teaching staff consists of four pro- 
‘essors of forestry (including the director) with one assistant, five 
professors of natural science and mathematics, and three represent- 
atives of other subjects. 
The number of students, in the winter of 1903/4, amounted to 
56, including 7 foreigners. To both academies only a limited number 
of such students are admitted as expect to be employed in the 
Forestry department of the Prussian Civil Service. Private receipts 
1902) 6985 M., expenditure 90 630 M. 
3. The Royal Forestry Academy in Tharandt (Saxony) 
orginated in a private school of forestry founded in 1811, and was raised 
m 1816 to the rank of a State institution. The aspirants for the 
higher posts in the Forestry department of the Saxon Civil Service 
must, after a practical preparatory course of at least half a year, 
attend a University for one year, and then pass through a course of 
five semesters in the Forestry Academy. The curriculum is similar 
to that in Prussia. Teaching staff, 7 ordinary professors, 2 extra- 
ordinary professors, 2 other teachers, 3 assistants. Number of 
students in the years 1894—1902 on an average 81. Private receipts 
14500 M., expenditure 92250 M., State allowance, therefore, 
77 750 M. 
4. The Royal High School of Forestry in Aschaffenburg 
Bavaria). Original foundation 1807, raised to the rank of a govern-

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