Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

High Schools for Special Subjects. 
Number of Teachers: 8 ordinary, 2 extraordinary, Professors, 
6 other Teachers, 14 Assistants, and 2 Farriers. 
Number of Students, S. S. 1902: 352, incl. 300 Bavarians, 48 other 
Germans, 4 foreigners. W. S. 1902/3: 350, incl. 274 Bavarians, 72 other 
Germans, 4 foreigners. 
Private Receipts, 1902: . . . . . sw 
Total Expenditure, , . sa 
4. The Veterinary High School in Dresden (Saxony), 
founded 1780, High School 1889. 
Number of Teachers: 15 Professors. 15 Assistants. 
» Students, W. S. 1902/3: 226, incl. 31 foreigners. 
S.S. 1903: 216, , 23 " 
Private Receipts, 1902/3: . . . . +. . . 33800 M. 
Total Expenditure, ,, 169 650 ,, 
5. The Veterinary High School in Stuttgart (Wiirttemberg). 
founded 1821, High School 1890. 
Number of Teachers: 6 ordinary, 5 extraordinary, Professors. 
» Students, S.S. 1903: 114 Germans, 4 foreigners. 
W.S. 1903/4: 113 ’ 8 
Total Expenditure 150 000 M. 
5. Commercial High Schools. 
Higher Commercial Schools or Academies have existed for a 
long time in several larger towns, but with a decidedly practical 
tendeney. In the Commercial High Schools, on the other hand 
especially the economical sciences are to be treated, as in the Uni- 
versities, from a strictly scientific point of view. At the same time 
they are to serve the purpose of training teachers for the higher 
Commercial Schools. 
1. The Municipal Commercial High School in Cologne 
(Prussia), founded 1900, after the banker G. v. Mevissen had set apart 
a considerable sum for this purpose. 
Number of Teachers: 10 Professors and other Teachers in the 
chief department, 1 Privatdocent, 3 Lecturers, besides 6 Professors 
from Bonn or from Heidelberg, and further, 29 other Lecturers. 
Number of Matriculated Students, W. S. 1902/03: 198, incl. 
17 foreigners. (Total of all under tuition 1537)

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