Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

High Schools of Art. 
Number of Matriculated Students, S. S. 1903: 221, incl. 20 for- 
eigners. (Total of all under tuition 917). 
Private Receipts, 1903: 127450 M. Total Expenditure, 1903 
166 800 M. 
2. The Academy of Social and Commercial Science in 
Frankfort on the Main (Prussia), founded 1901, as a municipal In- 
stitution but with a considerable private contribution. 
The course of instruction is a more comprehensive one than in 
other similar institutions. 
Number of Teachers: 11, besides 12 to 19 incidentally employed. 
Number of Students, W. S. 1902/03: 546, incl. 41 foreigners 
‘temporary and occasional hearers are included). 
Number of Students, S. S. 1903: 415, incl. 31 foreigners (tempo- 
rary and occasional hearers are included). 
Private Receipts (incl. endowments), 157000 M. Total Expenditure, 
164 280 M. 
3. The Commercial High School in Leipzig (Saxony), 
founded 1898 as the first institution of this kind. Teachers from the 
Commercial School, established in 1831, and from the University are 
Number of Students, S. S. 1903: 78 Germans, 80 foreigners. 
Number of Students, W. S. 1903/4: 77 Germans. 91 foreigners. 
Private Receipts: 45203 M.; contributed by the State 25000 M. 
hv the town of Leipzig 10000 M. Total of Expenditure: 70203 M. 
6. High Schools of Art. 
The Royal Academy of Art in Berlin, founded 1696, re- 
organised 1790. Private Receipts, 1902: 48479 M., incl. the fund of 
the Art Exhibition Guilds. 
Total Expenditure, 1902: 136 873 M. 
[t embraces the following Zustitutions for the Fine Aris. 
I. The Royal Academical High School for the Fine Arts 
in Berlin-Charlottenburg. 
Number of Teachers: 27. 
Number of Students. W. S. 1902/03: 254.

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