Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

High Schools for Special Subjects. 
7. High Schools of the German Army and Navy 
1. The Royal Military Academy in Berlin, for the further 
training of officers who have served in their ranks for at least three 
years, and who, presumably, will not be promoted to the rank of 
captain in the next five years. Admission is obtained by passing an 
entrance examination, but the total number of those received may 
not exceed 400. The course extends over three years, and in addition 
to the military-technical sciences properly so called, embraces more 
particularly, military history, mathematics, and foreign languages. The 
Academy in attended by officers of all the Federal States, with the 
exception of Bavaria. The yearly expenditure amounts to 335102 M. 
2. The Royal School of Artillery and Engineering. — All 
‘he officers of the foot-artillery and of the pioneers, after having 
served for at least one year and nine months with the train, have to 
pass through a one years’ course at this school. A part of the foot- 
artillerists are there picked out for a second upper course of one 
year. Under certain conditions, 30 officers of the field-artillery can 
take part in the lower, and 20 in the upper course. The total number 
of officers ordered to this school, in the year 1903/4, amounted to 
135; besides 4 foreigners were admitted. The expenditure amounted 
to 198 658 M. 
3. The Royal Military-technical Academy inBerlin-Char- 
lottenburg was opened only in 1903. It contains a department for 
engineering, one for means of communication (railways, military 
celegraphy, aerial navigation), and one for knowledge of weapons, 
replaced, in the third year, by a department of ordnance construction 
and of the science of projectiles. About 50 officers are ordered 
every year to this school. According to the estimates of 1903/4. the ex- 
penditure amounted to 103 000 M. 
4. The Imperial Naval Academy in Kiel (Prussia), founded 
1872, serves the purpose of enabling naval officers, by extended scien- 
ific training, to qualify themselves specially for the higher ranks in 
the navy. The course extends to two years, the vearlv expenditure 
for 1903/4 amounted to 183055 M. 
5. The Bavarian Military Academy and the Bavarian 
School of Artillery and Engineering in Munich, serve the same 
yurposes as the corresponding Prussian institutions.

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