Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

of service. In Berlin the salary starts at 4800 M., in the other Uni- 
versities at 4000 M., and rises in the former University by six, in the 
others by five four-yearly stages up to 7200 and 6000 M. respectively. 
[n addition the professors receive an allowance for house-rent, which 
for Berlin ‘amounts to 900 M., for the other Universities to 600 or 
540 M., according to the size of the town. There further exists a 
fund at the disposal of the Minister, amounting to 175000 M. 
a year, out of which additional personal payments are 
made to specially distinguished teachers and investigators, more 
particularly on the occasion of a call to another University. The so- 
called normal maximum (in Berlin 9400 M., in the other Universities 
7800 M., besides allowance for house-rent) may, however, be exceeded 
only by royal sanction. 
5. With respect to the fees derived from lectures, a reform has 
been introduced in Prussia in 1897, by which it has been legally en- 
acted that the honororia of the salaried*) (ordinary and extraordinary) 
professors, in so far as, after deducting the questorial expenses, they 
axceed 3000 M., in Berlin 4500 M., shall flow into the public treasury 
to the extent of one half. For professors already in function before 
that date, this regulation applies only by their own consent. It has 
been further enacted that these deductions from honoraria shall be 
collected into a special fund of expenditure, out of which are paid 
yearly allowances to salaried (ordinary and extraordinary) professors 
with inconsiderable incidental emoluments. By a clause in the state 
budget of 1902 the employment of this fund has been more precisely 
defined to the effect that the honoraria and other incidental emolu- 
ments rated under this head — especially graduation fees — shall be 
supplemented to the amount of 800 M., and that the remaining portion 
of the fund may be employed for special allowances to professors 
for a definite time, as a guarantee of fixed receipts of honoraria in 
the case of calls, and — up to the amount of 20000 M. — for the 
support of University teachers of every category. 
With respect to the amount of the separate fees, it has been 
anacted, in the year 1898, in Prussia, that the rates hitherto levied 
for lectures without experiments usually 5 M. per weekly hour) shall 
not be exceeded. In most other Universities a maximum has like- 
wise been fixed. Impecunious students are allowed to postpone pay- 
*) salaried = etatsmissig, literally budgetary, whose salary is allowed for in the 
oudget (Note of the translator).

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