Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Present Organisation of the German Universities. 
thereby, as in the case of appointment to unpaid extraordinary pro- 
lessor, into another category of University teachers. 
The admission of a ,,privatdocent®, on the basis of the fulfilment 
of habilitation depends, in Prussia, merely on the faculty. The latter 
has only to forward a communication to the Minister, and to add 
particulars as to the career, the course of study, and the scientific 
tabours of the new teacher. The candidate, however, has to ac- 
company his application to the faculty with a certificate from the 
Curatorium that there are no objections to his habilitation. In other 
states the nomination rests with the Ministry, or even with the 
reigning Sovereign. They have nowhere the position of officials, 
but are nevertheless subject to the disciplinary power of the faculty 
and other courts, and especially in the case of a breach of duty or 
reprehensible conduct, they can be deprived of the venia legendi. 
The regulations as to disciplinary proceedings were formerly also 
different, according . to the statutes of the single faculties of the 
Prussian Universities; now, however, they are uniformly defined by 
the law of June the 17th 1898, and in such a manner, namely, that 
the law of July the 21st 1852, as to the professional breaches of the 
non-judicial officials, together with the alterations according to the 
law of April the 9th 1879, in a number of its paragraphs, applies also 
to ,,privatdocents”, ,,when they act contrary to the duties imposed on 
them by their position, or when, by their conduct in and outside 
their profession, they prove unworthy of the esteem, consideration, 
or confidence required by their position. The disciplinary penalties 
are regulatory punishments, and deprivation of the character as 
,privatdocent”. The deciding disciplinary authority in the first in- 
stance 1s the faculty. Against their decision recourse may be had to 
appeal to the Ministry of State, which can form its resolution only 
after receipt of the report of the disciplinary court. 
When one wishes to habilitate in the Roman Catholic theological 
faculties, he requires, for this purpose, also the consent of his 
sishop. With respect to the requirements for habilitation, they 
consist, fairly uniformly, in the possession by the candidate of the 
doctor’s degree of the faculty concerned, or, as theologian, at least 
that of the licenciate degree; further in the submission of a scientific 
essay as subject of habilitation, and in a specimen lecture in the 
faculty, which is followed by an oral examination in his subject, 
under the name of colloquium. The application for habilitation is ad- 
missible onlv two or three vears after the time prescribed for Uni-

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