Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

students there exist bursaries, in many Universities in large numbers, 
derived from considerable endowments. Boarding establishments for 
students are found in the Roman Catholic theological faculties, not 
as actual University institutions, but as episcopal boarding seminaries. 
In Tibingen there is also a Protestant theological boarding 
establishment, the celebrated ecclesiastical foundation (Stift). 
In order to encourage the students to make scientific investi 
gations of their own, prize-essays are proposed by all the faculties. 
The prizes are partly provided by the government, partlv based on 
The usual exit from the University takes place by exmatriculation, 
together with the granting of a certificate of leaving. As a penal 
measure, removal from the University (consilium abeundi) and entire 
exclusion from University studies (Relegation) are sometimes resorted 
to. In most Universities a six-monthly voluntary absence from the 
University town entails loss of academical citizenship. Whoever does 
not engage himself, in one semester, for at least one private lecture, 
loses this semester of his course, and can also be struck oft the list 
nf students, or removed from the University by disciplinary process. 
14. To a certain extent, the obtaining of the academical degree 
constitutes the theoretical conclusion of the University course. In 
Germany such degrees have now a practical importance only for 
those who intend to devote themselves to an academical career, as 
the examinations appertaining thereto do not possess, as in France 
and other countries, at the same time, the validity of state examinations 
for the entrance into a learned profession. One can become a 
clergyman, a judge, a barrister, a physician, a higher-school teacher, 
without possessing an academical title. Only in the case of some 
professions not regulated by the State, as, for instance, in that of a 
technical chemist, the acquirement of the doctor's degree serves as 
avidence of scientific schooling. For the rest, the large number ot 
graduations, which still take place every year, is explained by the 
consideration which the title enjoys of old in public estimation, and 
by the wide-spread partiality in Germany for titles in general, among 
physicians also by the endeavour to be marked off from quacks. 
Only in the theological faculties there are still two academical degrees, 
the lower one of licenciate, and the higher one of doctor. In the 
others only the doctor’s degree has been retained, and the prelimi- 
nary grade of ,magister liberalium artium®, which still occurs in 
more recent times in the philosophical facultv. has now likewise en-

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