Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Other Public Academical Institutions. 
honoraria for lectures; nor have the faculties the right of conferring 
degrees. The number of students averages about 50, the yearly 
sstimates of expenditure amount to 62321 M. 
Further there exist in Prussia seven Episcopal Seminaries 
in Fulda, Paderborn, Pelplin, Posen, Trier, Limburg, Osnabriick), 
that have the character of Roman Catholic theological faculties, and 
in which the clergy of the respective dioceses can carry on their 
studies. Outside Prussia such ,,Clerical Seminaries“ are found 
also in Mainz and Metz. 
In Bavaria, besides the two Rom. Cath. theological faculties 
in Munich and Wiirzburg, there are five (formerly six) governmental 
and one episcopal Rom. Cath. theological Lyceum. 
2. The ,Kaiser-Wilhelms-Academy* in Berlin is devoted 
to the training of army-surgeons. The number of students admitted 
into the institution is 300. Thev receive free lodging and a monthly 
allowance; they attend the lectures in the University, like other 
nedical students, but receive in addition repetitive instruction in the 
most important subjects. 
3. The ,Royal Academy‘ in Posen, opened in 1903, is not 
ntended specially for the tuition of young people, but arranges lec- 
ures and exercises for a wider circle, besides scientific extension- 
courses for physicians, lawyers, officers, etc. For the winter semester 
of 1903/04, 1148 hearers were enrolled, with a total of 88 weekly 
hours of lecturing. 
4. Scientific Institutions and Lectures in Hamburg. — 
The directors of the Hamburg scientific institutions (town library, bo- 
tanical garden, observatory, government chemical laboratory, govern- 
ment physical laboratory, museum of natural history, museum of art 
and industry, collection of Hamburg antiquities, ethnological museum, 
botanical museum, and laboratory for analysing mercantile wares) 
are obliged to deliver regular lectures on scientific subjects. Since 
1896 this obligation has also extended to the assistantsin theseinstitutions. 
Besides, means are granted to the chief school authorities for the 
appointment of scholars charged with the delivery of permanent 
lectures, or with conducting courses of various length. Thus, in the 
winter semester of 1902/03, 119 courses in all branches of science 
were conducted by 97 teachers, with a total number of 58 428 hearers. 
These lectures are delivered gratis, with a few exceptions (such as 
hose of the extension-courses for physicians, and the courses in the 
pharmaceutic institution)

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