Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

5. The Royal Institute of Experimental Therapeutics in 
Frankfort on the Main has in the first place the task of testing 
and developing the more recent therapeutic methods, but further also 
the obligatory control of the various kinds of curative serum (for 
diphtheria, tetanus, etc.). However, the institution can also, within 
certain limits, serve as a teaching establishment, by arranging courses 
for a restricted number of physicians. For this purpose negotiations 
have been entered.into with the town of Frankfort. 
6. The Academy of Practical Medicine in Cologne, in 
connection with the local hospitals, is devoted to the further 
scientific training of physicians, and especially to affording also 
young medical men an additional opportunity to complete, after the 
passing of their State examination, the one year’s practice prescribed 
by the regulation of 1901. A similar institution will shortly be 
opened also in Diisseldorf and. in course of time, probablv in 
other towns. 
7. In this place may still be mentioned the learned Societies 
that have the character of State institutions, and are in closer con- 
section with the Universities, at least in so far as the preponderating 
majority of their ordinary members are at the same time professors 
at the Universities of the towns in which they have their seats 
Such are the Royal Academies of Science in Berlin and in Munich, 
and the Royal Societies of Science in Gottingen and in Leipzig. 
8. Among private institutions and foundations the following may 
still be mentioned here. 
In Berlin: the Association for Extended Instruction in 
Political Science, destined chieflv for the further training of 
sfficials and lawyers. 
The Humboldt-Academy, a popular high-school for both sexes. 
The Berlin University Teachers’ Union for Popular 
Courses pursues aims similar to those of the , University Ex- 
tension® in England. Also other Universities have arranged such 
The Lessing High School, founded in 1901 by the Lessing 
Society, and the Free High School, established in 1902, have like- 
wise the aims of a people’s University. 
In Frankfort on the Main: the Senckenberg Foundation, 
established in 1763 by the physician doctor Senckenberg, owns an 
important pathologic-anatomical institute, a botanic garden. and a

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