Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

The Higher Educational Institutions in Germany. 59 
the Odes. Occasionally, unseen translation. Private reading, espe- 
cially also of writers read in previous classes, is to be encouraged 
and fostered, but is not required as obligatory. 
Grammar 2 hours: revisals with special attention to the more 
important and difficult syntactical ‘rules; recapitulating explanations 
of specially prominent stylistic peculiarities. 
Translation into Latin, written class and home exercises. 
Latin, in the Realgymnasium: Reading: easier Orations of 
Cicero (e. g. pro Sex. Roscio, in Catilinam, de imperio Cn. Pompei); 
select sections from Livy; passages of Virgil's Aeneid in a selection 
presenting complete pictures and allowing a view of the whole work; 
in U. I also easier Odes of Horace, and sections of Tacitus’ 
Grammar: wherever its treatment is required in the course of 
Every three or four weeks a written translation into German. 
French, in the Gymnasium: Reading occupies a central 
position in the whole course. Study of sterling modern prose 
writings in different departments, if possible also of a classical trag- 
edy and a modern comedy, but in any case of one of the greater 
of Moliére’s comedies. 
Revisal and completion of the syntactical material, with oral 
and written exercises. Study of synonyms, style, and metre. as re- 
quired, in connection with the reading. 
Conversational exercises, not merely in connection with the 
reading, every hour; likewise revisal and extension of the stock of 
words and phrases previously acquired. 
French, in the Realgymnasium: The reading, which, as in 
the Gymnasium, occupies a central position, is treated more exten- 
sively and intensively than in the latter, so that the pupils may ac- 
quire a wider notion of the special qualities of French literature in 
the last centuries, as well as some knowledge of the national culture 
and character. 
Revisal and completion of the more important sections of the 
grammar. An outline of the laws of versification. The indispensable 
essentials of synonymy and of the laws of style. Extension of the 
vocabulary, including also technical and scientific terms. 
Written and oral exercises. Guidance in essay-writing, from 
frequent brief reproduction of what has been read, up to a freer 
treatment of definite concrete subiects. Conversational exercises in

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