Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

enter the lowest class, or the lowest of the preparatory school, at 
their sixth year, and pass through a nine or ten years’ course. In 
Prussia the normal duration of the course is nine years, but with the 
addition of an extra class with optional subjects. According to the 
Prussian regulations of 1894, the time-table is the following. 
Lower Division 
Middle Division | Upper Division 
| | 
xX vin | vi 
! | , 
vi (Vv: Iv | ur 
1. Religion . 
2. German . . 
3. French . . 
4. English . . 
5. Arithmetic . 
6. History . . 
7. Geography . 
8. Natural 
Science . . 2] 12 
9. Drawing . . 2110 (8) 
10. Writing . . —- 70) 
11. Needlework . 2| 14 
12. Singing . . ! 212 (18) 
13. Gymnastics . 18 (12) 
total | 18 | 20 | 22 928 130 30 | 30 | 30 |30! 238 
Two pedagogical points of view have specially determined the 
arrangement of the curriculum. In the selection and treatment of 
the whole of the subjects of instruction stress is to be laid on what 
is practical and stimulating. Hence, particularly, and more so 
than had been the case before, the circumstances of the present 
time are to be considered. Summaries with a number of names and 
dates, that have no personal or stimulating interest, and that can be 
received by the memory only in a mechanical way, are most strictly 
to be avoided. This applies especially to the teaching of history. the 
principal features of which are the following. 
In classes IV and V: episodes from German history down to 
modern times, German sagas. In class III: the main facts of Greek 
and Roman history, with particular attention to intellectual life, as 
much as possible in the form of object-lessons, especially in connection 
with Greek art during the Periclean, with Roman civilisation during 
‘he Augustan, ace. Romans and Germans. In class II: German history

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