070.32 Newspaper printing
Clas here discussion of economy and other advantages of special methods
and appliances
For mechanism and operation of newspaper presses see 655.31 Printing
Size of page
Methods and appliances
Composition: linotype, monotype, etc.
Presses :
Newspaper cuts: wood, zinc line, halftone
Frequency of issue
Daily, semiweekly, weekly, etc.
Time of issue
Morning, evening, successiv editions, extras
Size of editions, number printed
Distribution Circulation Sale
Direct: subscription Mailing
House delivery
Indirect: newsboys, news agencies, etc.
Crying and peddling in streets; news stands
Advertizing methods
Subdivided like 659.1 Advertizing
As means of increasing circulation, For special departments see 070.43
Regular: foren or marine news, stocks, sporting, etc.
Occasional: adoption of popular causes, exposure of abuses, etc.
338 Other means of increasing circulation
Competitions, guessing contests, prizes, fairs, lotteries, expeditions, etc.
34 Cost of production Expenses
.341 Plant: bilding and equipment, offises
Duplicate plant. Depreciation of machinery
Supplies: paper, stationery, etc. °
Salaries and wages
Space rates. Pay of journalists, pecuniary inducements of vocation.
Traveling expenses
Postage: pound rates, free carriage
Necessity and cost of advertizing itself to gain circulation and secure
advertizements. For methods see 070.336
35 Sources of income Receits
Sales, subscriptions, subsidies. For bribes see 070.16
36 Advertizing department
Including all business pertaining to a journal's advertizing colums. For
advertizing agencies see 659.71
39 Foren offises
Subdivided like 940-999; e.g. N Y herald office in Paris 070.3944