Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

070.489 Other: amateur, etc. 
070.5-.9 Form divisions 
Periodicals on journalism 
Press clubs Conventions Expositions 
Study and teaching of journalism College courses 
Schools Personal qualifications for journalism 
History of newspapers and journalism 
General History of American newspapers o71, of German journalism 073. 
etc. Clas history of a particular journal with that journal 
071-079 Newspapers of various countries 
The 3d figures 1~9 are used as follows: 
1 American 4 French 7 Slavic 
1 English s Italian 8 Scandinavian 
3 German 6 Spanish 9 Other 
In large collections use geografic divisions under 1, American; 2, English, etc. as 
in 970 and 940-999. Because of large size and very general character, it is better 
to keep newspapers together here than to clas with local history of the place 
where publisht. They could not go on shelvs with ordinary books, and a refer 
ence is made as easily to them under 070 as anywhere.

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