Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

215 Religion and science sce 2308 Apologetics 
Antagonism or reconciliation between science and Bible religion. Pro and con 
arguments by scientists. Bridgewater treatises. For creation, see 213 
2 I 6 Good Evil Depravity See 149.6 Pessimism; 233.2 Sin 
217 Worship Prayer 
Tests of efficacy of prayer: prayer gage. Sce also 204.1 Prayer; 248 Personal religion 
218 Future life - Immortality Eternity 
See 237 Future state; 128 The soul 
219 Analogies Correspondences see atso 169 Logic 
220 Bible General works 
For similar works limited to Old or New Testament, or individual books, see 
specific hed below 
Canon Inspiration Authorship Profecy 
Concordances Analyses 
Dictionaries Cyclopedias 
Original texts and early versions Codices 
Heds for old and new testaments are given, as they are also used for 221 and 
Other Semitic: Ethiopic, Arabic, etc. 
Latin, Itala, Vulgate 
Greek, Septuagint Aquila, Symmachus, Theodotion 
Other early versions: Armenian, Coptic, Gothic, ete. 
220.4 and 220.5 are pure texts, A Hebrew Bible with commentary goes in 
220.7 with reference from 220.44 
Versions of Bible Polyglots Divide by languages, like 400 
These are translations from the original Hebrew and Greek. Translations from 
other early texts go with them in 220.4: e. g. an English translation of the Syriac 
goes in 220.43 
Hermeneutics Exegesis Symbolism Typology 
Commentaries on whole Bible, and annotated editions 
For notes, etc. on portions of the Bible. see the most specific hed in 221-220 
Special topics 
Divided like general Classification; e. g. natural science of the Bible in 220.85 
Biblical geografy and history 
Biblical geografy, description, etc. 
See 915.69, 913.33 Palestine 
Scriptural biografy 
See also 922.1; 232.9 Lives of Christ 
Antiquities, archeology 
See also 2906 Jewish religion: 933 History of Jews 
See 022 Tews 

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