Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

Adoration of the forces of nature and personified objects and phenomena 
Nature myth 
Mountains and rocks (litholatry) 
Water (hydrolatry) 
Plants and trees (dendrolatry) 
Animals: dog, crocodile, serpent, birds (zoolatry) 
Atmosferic fenomena: atmosfere, rain, clouds, winds, lightning, 
thunder etc. (meteorolatry) 
Fire (pyrolatry) 
Celestial bodies: sun, moon, stars etc. (astrolatry) 
Sky and earth (ouranolatry and chthonism) 
Worship of human beings (apotheosis) 
Demi-gods, heroes, saints, absolute monarchs 
Worship of ancestors 
Domestic worship, manes, lares, penates 
Worship of the ded (necrolatry) 
Personified abstractions and divinities considerd as pure spirit 
Hierarchy of gods 
Servants and messengers of divinity 
Demons and evil spirits 
Strife among the gods and between gods and men 
Images of divinity Idolatry 
Sacred places 
Holy places, altars, temples, pagodas, churches, mosques, woods and groves, 
sacred grottos and streams, holy cities and villages 
See also 725 Religious architecture 
Religious organization Sacred persons Religious men 
Representativs of divinity 
Incarnation, priesthood, priests. Ministers of worship and other mediators. 
Recruiting of the clergy. Types of priests. Theocracy, hierarchy. 
Messiah. Kalif 
Men endowed with supernatural power 
Thaumaturgists, sorcerers, magicians, exorcists, charlatans. Relation 
between priesthood and sorcery 
Divinely inspired men Profets 
Interpreters of divinity 
Revelation of truth and of divine wil. Sacred writers. Religious law 
givers, founders of religions, religious reformers and apostles 
Deeds inspired by religious motivs 
Religious wars, warlike or peaceful propagandism (see also 172.4 Peace and war, 
in ethics). Home and foren missions 
Sources of religion 
Sacred books; oral traditions; ecclesiastic decisions 
292 Greek and Roman religion and mythology 
203 Teutonic and Northern religion and my- 

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