Social Sciences
300 Social sciences Sociology in general
301-309 all hav Sociology in general as their subject, but it is treated in these various
forms. - A periodical on Education is 370.5, not 305, which is only for periodicals on
Sociology in general. In Sociology, most works in these forms ar limited to one division;
e. g. to Political economy, Education, Law, etc. All these hav the same subdivision
of General works; i. e. essays on the various divisions ar 310.4, 320.4, 330.4, and so on to
essays on Manners and Customs in general, 300.4. A. naught in any clas number shows
the subject to be general, not specific
Sociology: philosofy, theories
See also gor Philosofy of history; 320.1 Theory of state
Compends, outlines
Dictionaries, cyclopedias, etc.
Essays, lectures, addresses
Periodicals, magazines, reviews
Societies: transactions, reports
Education: teaching, study, etc. scossosmo
Polygrafy: collected works, extracts, etc.
Put here collected works of statesmen; e. g. works of Adams, Jefferson, etc.
History of social science
Social surveys }
Divided like 040-999 and including general works on social conditions in special
countries. May, if preferd, be clast in 014-919 or, if strongly historical, in
040-009. Tor general histories of civilization see oor
310 Statistics
311 ~~ Theory, methods Science of statistics
0X Purpose Use Value
Methods, procedure, technic Preparation of statistics
General questions
Units of mesurement }
Analysis Testing Verifying
Arrangement Clasification Tabulation
Correlation :
Forms of presentation
Diagrams and cartograms; grafs; frequency tables; index numbers
Organization and direction of official statistics
By country
Subdivided like 030-000
4 Organization and direction of unofficial statistics
312 Demografy Population (progress of)
Vital statistics: births, deths, mortality, longevity
See also 614.1 Registration and vital statistics
Statistics ar divided geograficlv like 030-999: e. g. Population of Maine 312.741