Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

370 Education 
Disciplin in broad sense 
Theory of education Meaning Aim Value 
Including philosofy of education, science of education and general discussions of 
the means by which education is advanst. Not limited to any curriculum, schoo} 
or clas of schools. For specific methods, pedagogics, see 371 
History of educational theory 
Psychology applied to education 
Imitation, suggestion, play, etc. Divided like 150 Psychology; e. g. 
function of memory in education 370.154 
Dictionaries Cyclopedias 
Essays Addresses 
General. For periodicals limited to a special topic see that topic; e.g. 
kindergarten magazines 372.205. See also 371.805, 378.05 
Annuals Directories Catalogs 
General; including discussions as to form and content of such publications 
When devoted to a special topic clas with that topic, e. g. an annual devoted 
to kindergartens 372.2058. * A catalog of a specific school is clast under number 
for that school - 
Educational almanacs and kalendars for teachers 
Organizations Conventions 
Associations Clubs 
Permanent societies, their meetings and reports. Divided like 940-999 
See also 371.103 Parent-teacher associations; 372.206 Kindergarten associations 
Congresses Conventions 
Occasional congresses and conferences: international or interstate 
Study of education Institutions and organizations for training 
teachers, supervisors, superintendents etc. 
Means and methods, including teachers colleges, normal schools, institutes 
etc. For need of training, kind and amount, see 371.12 
Teachers meetings 
Clas meetings of teachers of a single institution (faculty meetings) with the 
institution; see table for school and college publications under 378.4-.0 
11 Plan and organization 
Frequency, time, place, control, cost, etc. 
W712 Programs, courses of study 
714-9 In special places 
Divided geograficly like 940-999 
Ja Teachers institutes , 
Divide like 370.71 above 
73 Teachers colleges Normal schools 
Institutions primarily for training teachers; e. g. state normal schools, Teachers 
college of Columbia university; often with attacht ‘ model ’, practis or demon- 
stration schools, in which students teach under supervision of their instructors. 
For training classes or courses attacht to schools not conducted primarily for 
training teachers etc., see 370.75 
Plan and organization Aims and functions Scope 
Length and time of terms. Support: public, private 
Courses, programs Credentials: diplomas, degrees etc. 
Adjuncts: practis, model or demonstration schools 
Special countries and schools 
Divided geograficly like g40~999 
Education museums 
Including exhibits at international expositions. state and county fairs, etc 
Training classes 
Clas here teachers classes or courses attacht to schools conducted primarily 
for another purpose than training teachers. For institutions conducted 
primarily for training teachers see 370.72 

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