373 Secondary Preparatory
Academic; high schools; junior high schools. Clas here discussions of general
theories, methods, curriculums etc. pertaining specificly to secondary educa-
tion, regardless of source of support. Clas here also all private or endowd
secondary schools for boys or both sexes; but clas all public (taxsupportcd)
schools in 379.4-.9, all elementary schools (regardless of support) in 372.9, all
schools and colleges solely for women in 376, and all colleges for men or coeduca-
tion in 378. Clas methods and questions peculiar to monastic, diocesan and
parochial schools in 377, but clas the schools themselvs in 372. 373, 378. etc.
according to their grades
For specific topics see 371
Private instruction: tutor, governess, coach
Relativ advantages of instruction at home and
in school
See also 371.394 Individual instruction
Day schools Boarding schools
Special countries and schools: history, revorts,
catalogs etc.
Divide like 940~999;e.g.373.43 Higher English schools, Eton, Harrow, ete
Adult education
Home education. Self education and culture. Cultural, personal aspect of
Subdivided by o with form numbers if wisht; e.g. 374.05 magazines pertaining
to this work, 374.06 Conferences, conventions, institutes, general meetings,
The term Adult education covers the broad field of self education thru
private reading, study clubs and reading circles, summer, vacation, evening
and correspondence schools, lecture courses and other forms of extension
seaching and other agencies for extending more widely opportunities and
sacilities for education outside the usual teaching institutions.
For relations of this work to libraries, the natural centers for such activities.
see 021.2. See also 378.13 University extension
With or without personal guidance
Solitary study ~~ Private reading Conversation
Advantages to be derived from reading. Study alone with or without aid
of reading lists, syllabuses, etc.
Reading lists themselvs, syllabuses and other aids to study belong with
other bibliografies (016) or with compends under their subjects. They may
however, if preferd, be kept together under 374.19, divided like the classi-
feation; e.g. syllabus on English history 374.70942: on library economy
See 028, for preparation of guides, policy, methods, etc.
For vocational guidance see 371.425
Associated study Clubs
Study clubs
Clas here * travel clubs’ which study about places without traveling to
see them. See also 374.25
Reading circles Book and periodical clubs
Lyceums Literary clubs
Debating societies Oratorical clubs
Interschool and intercollegiate debates
For interschool literary contests see 371.535