School supervision and control: national, state
and local Centralization
Standardization of schools
State: department, inspectors, etc.
Local: superintendent, school committee, board
Supplies, free textbooks, etc. For school meals see 371.716
[ndividual: parents and others
State textbooks
Public colleges and universities: national, state
and local
Only discussion here; for individual colleges see 378.4—.9
Secondary schools |
Discussion. For individual schools see 379.4~.9
Highschools Academies
6 year highschools; junior highschools
Grammar schools
Rural schools
Central plan Consolidated schools Conveying
Elementary schools Kindergartens
Questions of public maintenance. For individual schools see 372.9
Part time schools Evening schools
See also 374.8
2 Illiteracy Instruction of illiterates
21 Illiteracy and crime Education and crime
Criminal illiterates
[literacy and pauperism Indigent illiterates
See also 339.1 Pauperism; 362.51 Poorhouses
Compulsory education
See also 271.2 Truancv
3 Public vs private and endowd schools
.4-.0 Special countries, sections, cities, etc.
Subdivided like 940-999: e.g. 379.73 Reports of U.S. commissioner
of education; 379.744 Education in Massachusetts; 379.7471 in New
York city. Keep state departments separate from city and other local
systems by numbering state reports, A1-A8, using Ag followd by
author's initial (lower case) for history of schools of any state: e.g.
Ritch’s New York public schools 37q.747 Aof