School books Texts for learning the
Including only books for learning the language, with grammatic or philo-
logic notes, etc. Tor other works see literature of the language, 820
Spelling books
First lessons Elementary composition For Rhetoric see 808
Including in other languages books like Fasquelle, Ollendorff, Chardenal
Latin prose, etc. See also 372.6, Elementary grammars
For foreners
Divided like 430-499 (for other than English, like 420-499). Clas here books
intended for use of foreners in learning the language. Subdivide by language
of those for whom intended; e. g. English lessons for Italians 428.245, for
Russians 428.24917
Errors of speech Vulgarisms Use of words
See 427.09 Slang; 424 Synonyms
Elementary readers See also 372.4 Education
For primers and primary readers see 372.4. Clas here 3d and 4th readers, and
put higher readers with literature collections; 808.8 if general, 820.8 if English
or English and American, etc.
Texts of individual authors
With grammatic notes and questions. Preferably clast in 800 with cross
references here
2 Examination papers
129 Anglo-Saxon
Sy1bdivisions .1-.8 correspond to 421-428