Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

595.79 Hymenoptera Bees, wasps, etc. 
791 Terebrantia Boring hymenoptera 
792 Entomophaga Boring insects 
793 Phytophaga Sawfly, horntail 
704 sculeata Stinging hymenoptera 
795 Chrysididae Cuckoo wasp 
796 Formicidae Ant 
797 Fossoria Digger wasp 
798 Vespidae True wasp 
799 Apidae Bee 
506 Vertebrates 
597 Fishes Pisces 
.09 Geografic distribution 
Divide like 930-999, uzing .092 for oceans, further subdivided like 551.46 
and .47; e. g. fishes of Gulf of Mexico 597.0023 
Pharyngobranchii Lancelet 
Leptocardii, Amphioxus, Acraniata 
Marsipobranchii Lampreys 
Elasmobranchii Sharklike fishes 
Selachii Plagiostomes Notidani - True sharks 
Tectospondyle Ray Rajidae Skate 
Holocephali Chimera 
Ganoidei Sturgeons, garpikes, etc. (covered with hard 
bony plates) 
Amiidae Bowfin 
Chondrostei Acipenseridae Sturgeon 
Crossopterygii Fringe-fin 
Euganoides  Heterocerques = Lepidostei 
Dipneusti Dipnoi Lung fish 
Teleostei True bony fishes 
Lophobranchii Pipe fish, sea horse 
Plectognathi File fish, globe fish, box fish 
Physostomi Salmon, herring, carp 
Anacanthini Cod, halibut, flounder 
Pharynogognathi Wrasses, parrot fish 
Acanthopterygii Perch, bass, mackerel 
Batrachia (Amphibia) 
Anura Toads, frogs 
Urodela Salamanders 

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