Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

Spinal cord, or myel 
Enlargements or intumescentia; general structure 
Cervical cord or myel, pars cervicalis 
Thoracic or dorsal cord or myel, pars thoracalis 
Lumbar cord or myel, pars lumbaris 
Sacral cord 
Terminal cone, or conus (medullaris) Filum Cauda (equina) 
Grooves and fissures, sulci and fissurae 
Gray substance or matter, entocinerea or cinerea Gray 
cornua or colum 
Anterior or ventral colum or cornu or funiculus anterior 
Posterior or dorsal “ “ “ 
Clarke's colum, nucleus dorsalis or Stilling’s nuclei 
Gelatinosa or gelatinous matter, subs.antia cinerea geiatinosa Subs 
stantia spongiosa 
Reticula or formatio reticularis 
White substance, or alba 
Anterolateral colum 
Anterior plus lateral colums 
Pyramidal tract or bundle or fasciculus cerebrospinklis 
Direct or uncrost tract, fasciculus cerebrospinalis anterior, or 
Crost pyramidal tract, or cerebrospinalis lateralis 
Direct cerebellar tract, or dorsolateral cerebellar tract 
Gower's tract, cerebellar path of anterior funiculus, or fasciculus 
anterolateralis superficialis ascendens or anterolateral ascending 
cerebellar tract 
Fasciculus sulcomarginalis, or marginal tract of Spitzka and Lissauer 
Lateral colum or anterolateral descending cerebellar tract or colum 
of Marchi and Lowenthal 
Anterolateral ground bundle or fasciculus proprius anterolateralis 
Anterior or ventral commissure 
Posterior or dorsal colums 
Ascending fibers 
Tracts of Burdach (posterolateral or cuneatus) and of Goll 
(posteromedian or gracilis) and fasciculus of Rolando 
Descending fibers Comma tract in Burdach’s colum 
Radicular fibers 
Posterior or dorsal commissure 
Roots of nervs 
Works tracing nerv roots into spinal cord; for microscopic studies on 
nerv roots see 611.832 
Anterior or ventral roots 
Posterior dorsal “ 
Spinal canal Ependyma or endyma 
Rhomboidal sinus Reissner’s fibers 
Spinal membranes, or meninges spinales 
Spinal pia mater 
4 arachnoid 
“ dura mater 

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