Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

635.3 Edible leavs, flowers and stems 
31 Asparagus 
32 Artichoke 
327 Cardoon, chardoon 
33 Sea kale 
34 Cabbage 
346 Kale or borecole 
347 Collards 
348 Kohlrabi 
35 Cauliflower 
356 Broccoli 
36 Brussels sprouts 
Chard, sea-kale beet, Swiss chard 
Orach, French spinach 
Sorrel Dock 
Dandelion Purslane (pusley) 
Bitter salads 
Dandelion. See 635.46 
Cardoon. “ 635.327 
Lettuce Lactuca sativa 
Celery  Apium graveolens 
Chicory or succory Cichorium intybus 
Also used as pot herb and root 
Endive Cichorium endivia 
Piquant or warm salads 
Clas any species or variety with its genus; e.g. bitter ¢ress, cardamins. 
amara with 635.562 
Water cress Nasturtium officinale 
American water cress Cardamine rotundifolia 
Garden cress Lepidium sativum 
Winter cress Barbaria vulgaris 
Swine cress Senebiera coronopus 
[ndian cress Tropaeolum maijus 
For mustard see 635.44 
Neutral salads 
Lamb's lettuce, corn salad, fetticus 
. 7

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