635.9 Floriculture
Growing for market and marketing flowers and ornamental plants, and
growing them for home, park and cemetery embellishment
Clas here works on methods of raising flowers. For study of flowers
from artistic side and for their artistic effect in relation to gardens and
grounds see 716. For botanic treatment see 580
01-09 may be used as under 634.9 Forestry
History and general local treatment
Divided like 930-990
Clas descriptions of individual flower gardens in 716.2
Economics and operations
Divide like 631
Divide like 632
Plants by life duration Species
Clas here general works on herbaceous plants
Clas under subdivisions of .93 all works on individual flowering plants, except
trees (see 635.977) using the later hedings, which treat floriculture from other
points of view, e.g. bulbs, potted plants, greenhouse plants (under several of
which a single plant might appropriately appear) only for works treating the
distinctiv feature in a general way or including several species which would
botanicly be clast under various numbers
Annuals and biennials
Resistance to cold
Half hardy
See note under 635.933-.039
Resistance to cold
Subdivided like 635.9372
933-939 Species etc.
Divided like 583-580. It is strongly recommended that all individual
families, genera and species (except trees, see 635.977) be clast here, but if
preferd those which ar exclusivly either annuals and biennials or perennials,
may be clast in 635.931 and .932. subdivided by 3-9 and further subdivided
like 583-580
Plants by means of propagation
Under each of the following subdivisions Resistance to cold may be exprest
by 2, further subdivided like 635.9312
Bulbs, tubers etc.
Runners, layers
Cuttings, slips etc.
Special conditions of growth
Tropic plants Tender plants
Temperate zone plants
Arctic plants
Alpine or mountain plants
Effect of climate on species
Subdivided like 580
Effect of climate by locality
Subdivided like 940-000