Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

642 Serving Table Entertaining 
See also 395 Etiquet 
1 Home and family meals 
Brekfast, lunch, dinner, supper. Menus and servis 
For tables of chemic constituents and calories see 641.1 
Afternoon tea, sandwiches, ices, soft drinks 
Camp, picnic and travel lunches 
Lists of supplies; suitable food and dishes; packing and accessories, For 
recipes see 641.53; for camp cookery see 641.578 
» Entertaining 
41 Private entertainments 
42 Small numbers 
Luncheons, dinners, etc. 
.43 Large numbers 
Receptions, balls, garden parties, ete. 
45 Public entertainments 
Banquets, dinners, clambakes, etc. For history of banquets, eating, etc. 
see 394.1 under Public and social customs. For dining room see 643.4 
Toasts Table anecdotes and conversation 
See also table talk in literary miscellany 
Table systems for large numbers 
Table d’hote 
American plan 
European plan, a la carte 
Club: choice of combinations 
Harvard Memorial hall plan 
Harvard university plan of a fixt charge for essentials, and coupons 
(alimentary milage) for extras 
Mixt plan 
Table d’héte and A la carte; table d’héte and club 
Lunch counters Cafeteria 
School lunch rooms 
Management, prices, rules for payment, suitable food, freedom of choice, ete 
See also 371.716 School meals 
6 Serving Carving 
Directions for setting table, changing courses, etc. 
Table furnishings 
Linen, china, glas, plate, etc. Preferably clast here, tho possible to be con. 
siderd part of 645.66 Dining room furnishings 
Table decoration 
Selection and effectiv arrangement of flowers. colors, lights, centerpieces etc.

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