651.24 Furnishings and decoration
Put here only material limited to offis. For other relations see Decorations
in Relativ index
Floor coverings
May, if needed, be further subdivided as follows:
i Linoleum, corticine
5 Doormats: rubber, wire etc.
Wall treatment: covering or finish, pictures
Window and door furnishings (shades, curtains,
Mekanical appliances
For general or common use or belonging to a centralized sistem; nonindi-
vidual; not limited to a special department
See also 652 Typers, duplicators, addressing machines, telautografs;
657 Protectografs, bookkeeping machines and machines for checks, handling
money, etc.
Oral communication: telefones (wall, desk, in booth)
Offis requirements and accessories. Number, location
See for telefone business 654.6; for telefone engineering 621.385
Local sistems: interfones
Speaking tubes
263 Dictating machines
264 Calculators, tabulators, statistical and adding machines
See also 510.8
If closer clasification is needed ad heds below:
I Adding machines
tI Listing
Those devized primarily for "adding, even tho capable of other proc
esses (multiplying, dividing, subtracting) by special manipulation
Tally counters
Approximate calculating devices
Based on logarithmic scale: slide rules, ete.
4 Exact calculating devices (mekanical)
5 Grafic or area calculators Planimeters
6 Statistical machines; e. g. sorting or tabulating: Hollerith
Numbering machines
Fastener, seal and other presses
For multigraf and other duplicators see 652
Mail and shipping room devices
Letter and merchandise scales; folding and wrapping appliances, etc.
Lifts, carriers, pneumatic tubes, etc.
Local, between desks or separate rooms of same offig
See also engineering 621.86 Hoisting and conveying machinery; 621.549
for construction and 654.8 for operation and sistems of pneumatic tubes
.269 Other mekanical devices
3 Organization
See also 347.7 Commercial law, for legal rights and restrictions; 380 Com-
merce and communication, for relations of corporations to state and public;
658.14 for financial organization of a business enterprize
Branches, departments, divisions, sections, etc.
Planning department