669 Metallurgy and assaying
History of metals goes here, not in 553, 622, nor 671
Iron and steel
Gold and silver
Mercury and other metals
Fuels and furnaces Slags
Specific topics go where of most interest. These heds ar for the general subject of metal,
wood, etc. manufactures, and for such specific manufactures as ar not of more interest
elsewhere. But an account of a specific manufacture is commonly most useful with its
own subject; e. g. a steam engin is certainly made of metal, but {ts manufacture should
go under 621.1, not 672. The caracter of the library often decides the place of greatest
interest. An agricultural library would prefer the manufacture and everything about
wood churns with the dairy, 637, while a manufacturing library might prefer it with
other wood manufactures in 674. A general library wil incline to the special subject,
as a more minute classification is thus obtaind, and references under 670 anser inquiries
for all the library has on the subject of bras or rubber or paper manufactures. Whether
groupt by use or material, if sought from the other standpoint, the references show the
resources promptly. As a rule the use is the better classification, being more minute
and oftener wanted. But if the uses ar various the general hed is better; e. g. bels
ar for scores of distinct uses. but their manufacture is a unit; but all churns ar for
the dairy
Articles made of metals
Of iron and steel; stoves, cutlery, etc.
Of copper and of bras, bronze and other industrial copper alloys
Bels etc. See also 739
Lumber and articles made of wood
For cabinet making see 684. For lumbering as a feature of forestry see 634.9
Lether and fur and articles made of them
For saddlery, shoemaking, gloves, belts, trunks etc. see 685
Paper and articles made of paper