677 Textils: flax, cotton, wool, silk, metal fibers,
This expansion of 677 is on lines of that of Institut International de Bibliographie,
in Classification Décimale (cited as C D) but some changes hav been made, as
specificly indicated below, and such divisions must be regarded as tentativ til
agreement is reacht between D C and CD
Flax and similar materials: hemp, jute etc.
Cotton “ *e
Wool ot Ht e
Silk “" 6“ ts
Other fibers
Special fabrics
Cordage and trimmings
8 Auxiliary industries
This division covers manufacture of yarns, cloths and other products obtaind from textil fibers, which
ar made in pieces or in great length, including those from artificial, mineral and metal fibers. It there
fore includes carpets, tapestries, tulles, laces, nets, knit goods, etc., also cords, braids, ribbons and even
wire fabrics and metal cloths, but 680 should be consulted for articles made from these fabrics and pro-
duced wholesale. e.g. redy-made garments and upholsteries.
The group thus consists of many allied but special industries, each of which is caracterized by nature of
fibers uzed and for which the same divisions can be employd to specify the similar elements, Under
677.028 hav been compiled the generalities concerning these textil industries as a whole, i. e. the questions
common to the different products and elements establisht in the textil industries as defined above, and
specially the data relating to general methods of working textil materials and the machines emp loyd.
677.1—.4 ar devoted to industries usually termd those of spinning mils, including not only changing textil
fibers into yarns suitable for weaving but also the manufacture of fabrics from these yarns. To form
these 4 divisions all the different textil materials uzed ar united with the 4 materials which may be regarded
as types of the common manufactures, i.e. flax, cotton, wool and silk, including with each of these what-
ever concerns the materials which undergo similar treatment or require similar methods of manufacture.
Under subdivision 1 is placed the material taken for the representativ type, this subdivision being always
developt as a standard for the simmetrical development of the subsequent special subdivisions for sim ilar
In 677.5 ar brought together fibers which can not be assimilated with those preceding, as wel as those
special products which they serv to manufacture and which ar obtaind by braiding or similar processes
rather than by real weaving.
In 677.6 is brought together everything concerning manufacture of special fabrics, i.e. cloths or similar
products which do not enter into the usual production of spinning mils but ar more often made by special
mils, tho they may uze fibers, the preparation of which has been treated in the preceding sections. Here
ar clast figured and brocaded fabrics, draperies, velvets and the varius pile fabrics, felts, tapestries, open-
work fabrics, tulles, laces etc., also knit goods, nets, tricots, etc. These ar manufacturing branches
which may in a general way uze the elementary yarns or cloths mentiond in the previus groups.
In 677.7 ar groupt certain industries which uze textil fibers, but obtain products other than cloth, such
as cords, ropes, trimmings, and including metal cables and insulations for electric wires.
677.8 is reservd for industries allied with or auxiliary to textil industries.
677.01 Theory Usefulness Value
.02 Compends
L028 Technic
For general works. For manufacture from special fibers see 677 1.5.
These subdivisions of .028 ar incorporated from Classification Décimale,
but there they directly follow 677.0. thus conflicting with DC regular form
divisions 02-07.
Chief processes
Preparation of fibers
Spinning and twisting
Clasifying and numbering yarns
Weaving Braiding
Special processes
Raw materials
Secondary materials