677.42 Wild silk industry: pongee, corah, tussah (tussor)
423 ‘Raw materials
Oak silk worms: Chinese (pernyi), Indian (mylitta), Japanese (yamamai)
C D form: 677.4203
Silk waste or spun silk industry
Bourrette, schappe etc.
Preparing schappe by macerating or steeping. Preparation by heating or
boiling :
C D form: 677.4402
Raw materials
Frisons from Turkey, clods from Persia, curleys from China, noshito and
kibizzo from Japan, double and spoild cocoons
C D form: 677.4403
Silk waste Bourrette Silk waste fabrics
CD form: 677.4408
Industry of silks from insects without cocoons
Silk spiders
Artificial silk industry
Fibers obtaind by dissolving cellulose
461 Nitrocellulose dissolvd in ether or acetone
Collodion silk
462 Cuprammonia industry
Givet silk
463 Viscose industry
Cellulose dissolvd in carbon disulfid
464 Acetate process
5 Industries of other fibers
Mineral, metal and various other fibers. Special fabrics or network obtaind by
braiding or similar operations, and general processes of corresponding industries.
Basketry. Sparterie
For fabrics made by other special processes but from ordinary textil fibers, e. g
felt, tapestries, openwork and mesht fabrics, tulle, lace, nets, tricots etc. see 677.6.
For cable and rope making and fancy trimmings see 677.7
Natural mineral fibers
Asbestos, amianthus
Incombustible fabrics: asbestos sheets; trimming braids; insulators
Artificial mineral fibers
Glas filaments Woven glas
Mineral wool, slag wool
Metal yarns, fabrics and nets
Perforated sheetiron and other sheet-metal. or material in general con-
cerning each metal or alloy see corresponding division under 669
Fabrics from gold, silver or other precious metals
Metal cloths Strainers
Cloths from copper, bras, iron or steel
Wire gratings: bras, iron, galvanized iron
Gratings made by hand
“ machine: twisted once
«@ &@& « « 3 times
“ “other sistems
Metal network obtaind by stamping or cutting
Perforated sheetiron
Other sheet-metals