760 Engraving
761 Wood
762 Copper and steel
763 Lithografy
764 Chromolithografy
765 Line and stipple
766 Mezzotint and aquatint
767 Etching Dry point
768 Bank note and machine
769 Collections of engravings
770 Fotografy
771 ~~ Materials Fotografic chemistry
772 Processes
Silver: daguerreotype, talbotype
Collodion: ambrotype, etc.
Dry plate
Color fotografy
Gelatin and pigment: woodburytype
Carbon: lambertype, autotype, etc.
Gelatin and printers ink
Albertype, heliotype,Tartotype, etc.
Fotolithografy, etc.
Fotozincografy, etc.
Fotoengraving and fotoelectrotyping
Special applications
Moving pictures. See also 522.63 Astronomy; 578 Microscopy
779 Collections of fotografs